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Tito Santana Appreciation Thread

Ricky Jackson

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TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #32 -- The Earthquake


I used to dig using Earthquake in WrestleFest, but that's about the only thing I dig about Tenta. This turned into a schmoz involving Earthquake, Tugboat, Dino Bravo and Hacksaw Jim Duggan, which is a pretty sad indictment of where Tito was at by this point.


TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #33 -- "The North-South Connection" Dick Murcoch & Adrian Adonis


This was really weak. I can't stand these WWF face-in-peril matches that are half the length of a Southern tag. Rocky Johnson was Tito's partner.


TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #34 -- "The World's Strongest Man" Dino Bravo


This was surprising good considering it was Dino Bravo. Of course they didn't really do much of anything, but still it's Dino Bravo. I wonder if Bravo wasn't as bad as I remember or if I'm just going soft. The finish was weird as Dino caught him clean off the ropes with the sidewalk slam. Kind of anti-climatic.

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Tito tops one of the weird mish-mash of guys HOF ballot polls Dave has been doing recently:


Tito Santana 24.5%

Jun Akiyama 24.1%

Ron Garvin 14.6%

Octagon 10.3%

Hiroyoshi Tenzan 9.2%

Shinjiro Otani 6.5%

Rayo de Jalisco Jr. 2.7%

Animal Hamaguchi 2.3%

Yoshiaki Yatsu 1.9%

Umanosuke Ueda 1.5%

Mascara Ano 2000 1.5%

Kuniaki Kobayashi 0.8%

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TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #33 -- Demolition


Demolition vs. Strike Force was a fun series. I'm sure the matches were structurally flawed if you really want to get into it, but fun matches are a God send in 80s WWF. Their Wrestlemania match was the weakest of the lot, but the rematches were the best Strike Force stuff I've seen so far. The Demos were a good unit. I've really liked what I've seen from them in shorter up tempo matches. I dunno if they were the Kings of Psychology, but they definitely had a good thing going.

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Demolition were kings of psychology and structure. Say what you will about their lack of diverse offense (and there's an argument there), but Eadie knew exactly when things should happen and why. And since no one was going to argue with him, Demos matches tend to have that stuff.

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TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #34 -- The Islanders


This was the feud that gave birth to Strike Force, with Tito Santana leaving his position in the Spanish broadcasting booth to rescue Martel from an Islanders beatdown. The Islanders attacked Tito in the booth at some point and the pair got together and coined the name "Strike Force" in a cheesy backstage promo. From there they wrestled the Islanders a million times, half of which I watched. I can't tell you which was the best as they all blurred together with the same people, places and faces. The standout may have been one of their MSG bouts but only because it was a 2/3 falls bout which left a more indelible impression. Given that they were WWF tag matches with only half the psychology of a regular US tag match from the time, the things I liked most tended to be spots. The Islanders in a way seemed to be a quasi Samoan Bulldogs with Haku playing DBS and Tama Dynamite Kid. That may not be quite true, but there was a definite workrate element to their matches and Tama's flying was cool even if it was more direct than spectacular. Strike Force also brought a lot of strikes to this feud as well, actually "striking with force" as Tito promised. That was cool. They also mixed it up a bit with Martel playing the FIP in a few of the matches. On the Gorilla front, they finally did the second referee at ringside stip that he was forever moaning about; and wouldn't you know it, he wouldn't shut up about how poor a job of offciating the second official was doing and kept getting into arguments with Nick Bockwinkel about it.

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Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine, 10/22/84 MSG


I just wanted to recommend this match to anyone who's a fan of the Tito/Greg series. Haven't read much about it but I consider it an essential part of their feud. In some ways this is the Steamboat/Savage from Toronto equivalent in that Tito is out for revenge after Valentine injured his knee. From the pre-match promo it's pretty clear Tito doesn't care about winning the belt on this night. The match itself is only around 6 minutes and is kind of one-sided but Tito dishes out one serious ass-kicking.

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I listened to Lance Storm's bi monthly spot w/Bryan Alvarez and he compared his career to Tito Santana when Bryan asked him about his chances to get into the WWE HOF. Alvarez said he ranked Storm higher than Tito because of the time Storm held 3 belts at one time in WCW and being apart of the opposing group at the start of the Invasion Angle. Maybe since I started watching in the 80s I rate Tito's feuds with Valentine, Savage, Muraco, and his tag team run in Strike Force to what Storm did in his career. I like Storm a lot but Tito emotionally pulled me into his issues a lot better than what Storm did in his career.

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Storm is a good guy, he was, at best, a decent wrestler, but he was a non factor during the second hottest period of US wrestling. Santana was a very good worker and a solid part of WWF's undercard during the first hottest period of US wrestling. There's not even a contest. Lance Storm's biggest claim to fame is hoding 3 belts in a dying WCW, and being carried by Justin Credible in a pretty good tag-team in ECW. Saying his career is more important then Tito Santana's is laughable.

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I listened to Lance Storm's bi monthly spot w/Bryan Alvarez and he compared his career to Tito Santana when Bryan asked him about his chances to get into the WWE HOF. Alvarez said he ranked Storm higher than Tito because of the time Storm held 3 belts at one time in WCW and being apart of the opposing group at the start of the Invasion Angle.

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Wait, what?

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Chico rated Storm higher than Tito for the WWE HOF?


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I have to think that since Alvarez didn't start following wrestling until after Tito was finished as an IC title contender and he was doing the El Matador gimmick is the reason why he rates Storm over Tito.


The Tito/Valentine feud during the Summer of 85 was a huge reason why I got so into pro graps along with the Bundy/Studd beat down of Andre, and the US Express/Dream Team feud.

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I have to think that since Alvarez didn't start following wrestling until after Tito was finished as an IC title contender and he was doing the El Matador gimmick is the reason why he rates Storm over Tito.

If this is true, then we are supposed to take him seriously as a "wrestling expert" why exactly?


Oh right, nobody does.

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When people talk about the greatest tag teams of all time, they somehow manage to neglect the team of Virgil and "El Matador" Tito Santana. These guys had some really solid, fun TV matches against the likes of Money Inc., the Headshrinkers and the Beverly Brothers. It probably wasn't what Tito wanted to be doing, but I thought it was a nice little coda on his WWF career, and he looked great in just about all of their matches. Does anybody know why Tito didn't have a WCW run at this point of his career? Did they even approach him? Everybody else did, why not Tito?


TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #36 -- "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon


I'm not a fan of the way Hall works as I think the things he tries make him look clumsy for a guy his size, but this was a match-up that had potential. To exploit that potential they had to go longer than five minutes, however.


TITO SANTANA VS. THE WORLD #37 -- The Dream Team, Greg "the Hammer" Valentine and Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake


Tito and a rotating cast of partners vs. the Dream Team, Valiant and Hart. Folks probably know about the Steamboat and Santana vs. Dream Team match, but the other bouts are fun too. Mainly it's a chance to see more Tito vs. Greg, which is probably the best thing Tito was ever involved with, and their exchanges at MSG in particular are memorable, but you also get to see Beefcake on his roll and watch Valentine beat up David Sammartino. Heck, you can even watch Oprah commentate wrestling. Fun stuff. I thought Sammartino would be worse than he was, but maybe Greg was that good. The whole time I kept thinking I need to watch more Dream Team. Morales had some fun exchanges against the heels as well. I always kind of dug Morales.

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Alvarez said he ranked Storm higher than Tito because of the time Storm held 3 belts at one time in WCW and being apart of the opposing group at the start of the Invasion Angle.

So basically, Alvarez ranks him so highly because of a worked accomplishment and the fact that he was a bit player in an angle that's widely considered to a huge disappointment.

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Well, Alvarez and Storm are friends.


edit : and actually, Storm brought up Santana as a comparison to what his status was in the company : "A very respected worker who held all the minor titles". Well, when Santana held the IC and tag titles, these weren't minor titles Lance... But yeah, Alvarez sounded like a generic mark who got into wrestling during the Attitude era there.

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Tito Santana wrestled on the main card at eight straight Wrestlemanias. Lance couldn't even get onto one. Dudes who got Wrestlemania matches over Lance during his time with the company: Maven, Mark Jindrak, the Bashams, Ultimo Dragon, Jazz (twice!), Shannon Moore, and other totally non-consequential people. They figured out how to get 49 wrestlers onto the Wrestlemania XX card but couldn't find a spot for Lance. He wasn't even important enough to be the George Welles of early 00's WWE.

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