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November 1983 Freelancers Booking Thread


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Ok, I'm taking this over apparently so here's an updated list. I assume I've also inherited Grimmas/Maple Leaf bookings, but have no intention of using any freelancers this month so I vacated those and then added the requests made since it was updated (all accepted)



Abdulllah the Butcher

17-21 for WWC

24th for Starrcade

27-28 for WWC

Bruiser Brody

2nd for Mid South

4th for World Class

5th for Mid South

7th - Memphis

9th for Mid South

10th for Stampede

14th for World Class

15th- Memphis

16th- Memphis

18th for World Class

21st- Memphis

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

Stan Hansen

2nd for Mid South

5th for Mid South

7th- Memphis

9th for Mid South

10th for Stampede

15th- Memphis

16th- Memphis

21st- Memphis

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

Mil Mascaras

2,3,4,5 - Mid South

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

The Sheik


6, 8 - MACW

24th for Starrcade


24th for Starrcade

Anything I'm missing?

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Updated list:


Abdulllah the Butcher

13 - Southwest

17-21 for WWC

24th for Starrcade

27-28 for WWC

Bruiser Brody

2nd for Mid South

4th for World Class

5th for Mid South

7th - Memphis

9th for Mid South

10th for Stampede

14th for World Class

15th- Memphis

16th- Memphis

18th for World Class

21st- Memphis

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

Stan Hansen

2nd for Mid South

5th for Mid South

7th- Memphis

9th for Mid South

10th for Stampede

15th- Memphis

16th- Memphis

21st- Memphis

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

Mil Mascaras

2,3,4,5 - Mid South

24th for Starrcade

(25th + in AJPW)

The Sheik


6, 8 - MACW

24th for Starrcade


24th for Starrcade

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