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Wrestling Observer 2007 Awards



Just got the Observer in the mail here's the results. Forgive any mispellings, I can't type very well..:


Lou Thesz/Ric Flair Award (Wrestler of the Year):


1. John Cena (437 #1 votes) - 2,459 pts

2. Bryan Danielson (77) - 928

3. Hiroshi Tanahashi (42) - 728

4. Shawn Michaels (32) - 579

5. Takeshi Morishima (41) - 565

6. Mistico (6) - 510

7. Mitsuharu Misawa (33)

8. Cibernetico (28) - 290

9. Kurt Angle (7) - 202

10.Edge (16) - 196





1. Randy Couture (334) - 2,254

2. Quinton Jackson (105) - 1,446

3. Chuck Lidell (116) - 1,209

4. Frank Shamrock (3) - 353

5. Anderson Silva

6. Geirge St. Pierre

7. Kid Yamamoto

8. Forrest Griffin

9. Yoshihiro Akiyama

10. Masato



Most Outstanding Wrestler


1. Bryan Danielson (434) - 2,646

2. Shawn Michaels (46) - 468

3. Hiroshi Tanahashi (62) - 642

4. Naomichi Marufuji

5. Nigel McGuiness

6. Samoa Joe


8. Takeshi Morishima

9. Edge

10. John Cena



Most Oustanding MMA Fighter


1. Quinton Jackson (157) - 1,554

2. Anderson Silva (151) - 1,508

3. Randy Couture (131) - 1,235

4. Urijah Faber

5. Tyson Griffin

6. Clay Guida

7. George St. Pierre

8. Fedor Emelianenko

9. Matt Serra

10. Kid Yamamote



Best Box office Draw


1. John Cena (331) - 2,299

2. Chuck Lidell (267) - 2,192

3. Mistico (133) - 1,603

4. Randy Couture

5. Quinton Jackson

6. Tito Ortiz

7. Cibernetico

8. Kid Yamanoto

9. Perro Aguayo jr.

10. HHH



Feud of the Year


1. Undertaker Vs. Batista (148) -1,160

2. Bryan Danielson Vs. Takeshi Morishima (89) - 1,119

3. Briscoes Vs. Steen & El Generico (121) - 1,045

4. John Cena Vs. Shawn Michaels

5. Matt Hardy Vs. MVP

6. Frank Shamrock Vs. Phil Baroni

7. Matt Hughes Vs. Matt Serra

8. Tito rotiz Vs. Chuck Lidell

9. Gran Apache Vs. Billy Boy

10. Vince McMahon Vs. Donald Trump



Tag Team of the year


1. Mark & Jay briscoe (474) - 2,641

2. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelly (58) - 1,132

3. Kevin Steen & El Generico (0) - 690

4. Giant bernard & Travis Tomko

5. Matt & Jeff Hardy

6. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

7. Lance Cade & trevor Murdoch

8. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Dio

9. KENTA & Taiji Ishimori

10. Ricky Marvin & Kotaro Suzaki



Most Improved


1. MVP (305) - 1,966

2. Claudio Castagnoli (34) - 564

3. Tomko

4. Takeshi Morishiam

5. Candice Michelle

6. Jeff Hardy

7. Umaga

8. John Cena

9. Hirooki Goto

10. Batista



Best on Interviews


1. John Cena (151) - 1,243

2. Santino Marella (133) - 1,208

3. Edge

4. Quinton jackson

5. Larry Sweeny

6. Christian Cage

7. Frank Shamrock

8. Tito Ortiz

9. Mr. kennedy

10. Ric Flair



Most Charismatic


1. John Cena (358) - 2,447

2. Quinton Jacklson (158) - 1,491

3. Ciberetico

4. Randy Couture

5. Shawn Michaels

6. Tito Ortiz

7. Mistico

8. Edge

9. Jeff hardy

10. Forrest Griffin



best Technical Wrestler


1. Bryan Danielson (529) - 2,928

2. Nigel McGuiness (15) - 784

3. Yuji Nagata

4. Fit Finlay


6. Kurt Angle

7. Naomichi Marufuji

8. Mike Quackenbush

9. Shawn Michaels

10. Samoa Joe



Brusier Brody Best Brawler Award


1. Takeshi Morishima (157) - 1,464

2. Umaga (101) - 1,199

3. Samoa Joe (115) - 1,129

4. Fit Finlay

5. Necro Butcher

6. Togi Makabe

7. John Cena

8. Abyss

9. Undertaker

10. Rhyno



Best Flying Wrestler


1. Mistico (162) - 1,394

2. Ricky Marvin

3. jack Evans

4. AJ Styles

5. Pac

6. Matt Sydal

7. Jeff Hardy

8. Matt Cross

9. Dragon Kid

10. Rey Mysterio jr.



Most Overrated


1. Giant Khali (187) - 1,210

2. Mr. Kennedy (80) - 586

3. HHH

4. Bobby Lashley

5. Batista

6. Big Daddy V

7. Randy Orton

8. Kurt Angle

9. Kevin Nash

10. Mistuharu Misawa



Most Underrated


1. Shelton Benjamin (98) - 735

2. Jamie Noble

3. Paul London

4. Alex Shelly

5. William Regal

6. Brian Kendrick

7. Matt Hardy

8. Go Shiozaki

9. AJ Styles

10. Christopher Daniels



Promotion of the Year


1. UFC (280) - 2,479

2. ROH

3. WWE


5. AAA


7. New Japan

8. Dragon Gate

9. Strikeforce

10. TNA



Best Weekly TV Show


1. The Ultimate Fighter (390) - 2,463


3. WWE Smackdown

4. AAA


6. Wrestling Society X


8. Inside MMA

9 & 10. Bodog Fight Costa Rica & TNA Impact (tie)



Worked Match of the year


1. Bryan Danielson Vs. Takeshi Morishima (8/25) (118) - 1,199

2. KENTA & Taiji Ishimori Vs. Kota Ibushi & Naomichi marufuji (7/15) (131) - 1,108

3. Bryan Danielson Vs. Nigel McGuiness (6/9) - (146) - 1,061

4. John Cena Vs. Shawn Michaels (4/23)

5. John Cena Vs. Umaga (1/28)

6. Briscoes Vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico (9/15)

7. John Cena Vs. Shawn Michaels Vs. Edge Vs. Randy Orton (4/29)

8. Cima, Shingo Takagi & Susuma Mochizuki Vs. Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Masaaki Mochizuki (No Date given, ROH match?)

9. Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs. Hirooki Goto (11/11)

10. Hiroshi Tanahasi Vs. Yuji Nagata (4/13)



Shoot Match of the year


1. Randy Couture Vs. Tim Silvia (3/3) (202) - 1,453

2. Nick Diaz Vs. Takanori Gomi (2/24)

3. Tyson Griffin Vs. Clay Guida (6/16)

4. Frank Shamrock Vs. Phil Baroni (6/22)

5. Frank Edgar Vs. Tyson Griffin (2/3)

6. Chris Horodecki Vs. Shad Lierley (6/1)

7. Forrest Griffin Vs. Maruricio Rua (9/22)

8. Quinton Jackson Vs. Chuck Lidell (5/26)

9. Quinton Jackson Vs. Dan Henderson (9/8)

10. Steve berger Vs. Piotr Jackacynski (No date Given, Costa Rica)



Rookie of the year


1. Eric Stevens (106) - 756

2. Joe Doering (88) - 752

3. Tim Donst

4. La Sombra

5. Cyber Kong

6. Ted DiBiase Jr.

7. Ted McNailer

8. Lince Dorado

9. Seiya Sanada

10. Bobby Dempsey



Best Non-Wrestler


1. Larry Sweeney (382) - 2,269

2. Vince mcMahon (97) - 847

3. Jim Cornette

4. Jim Mitchell

5. William Regal

6. Sharmell

7. Karen Angle

8. Lacey

9. Armando Estrada

10. Generalissimo Takada



Best Television Announcer


1. Jim Ross (325) - 2,257

2. JBL (184) - 1,609

3. Joe Rogan

4. Mauro Ranallo

5. Mike Goldberg

6. Dave Prazak

7. Frank Mir

8. Mike Teney

9. Joey Styles

10. Kenny Bolin



Worst Television Announcer


1. Don West (269) - 2,204

2. Micheal Cole (116) - 1,130

3. Johnathan Coachman

4. Todd Grisham

5. Mike Teney

6. Jerry Lawler

7. Col. Bob Sheridan

8. Joey Styles

9. Taz

10. Leticia Cline



Best Major Wrestling Show


1. ROH Man Up (188) - 1,296

2. WWE Wrestlemania (133) - 1,138

3. Pride 2nd Coming

4. ROH Driven

5. Pride Otoko Matsuri

6. Strikeforce/EXC Judgement Day

7. WWE Backlash

8. UFC 68

9. UFC 66

10. UFC 76


Worst Major Wrestling Show


1. WWE/ECW December to Disremember (12/3/06) - 298 pts.

2. TNA Lockdown

3. WWE Unforgiven

4. TNA Hard Justice

5. UFC 78

6. TNA Victory Road

7. TNA Final Resolution

8. WWE Jugement Day



Best Wrestling Maneuver


1. KENTA's Go To Sleep - 98 pts.

2. Randy Orton's running soccer kick

3. Petey Williams Canadian Destroyer

4. Bryan Danielson's Cattle Mutilation

5. Matt Sydal's shooting Star press

6. Bryan Danielson's elbows

7. Samoa Joe's muscle buster

8. Takeshi Morishima's backdrop driver

9. CM Punks Go To Sleep

10. Shawn Michaels' superkick



Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic


1. TNA Signing Pacman Jones/Making it Rain - 317 pts.

2. Vince mcMahon's death

3. WWE's entire handling of post-benoit re: Steriods

4. Hornswoggle as Vince's illegitament son

5. Giant Khali as World Champion

6. WWE doing Benoit tribute show



Worst Television Show


1. TNA Impact - 476 pts

2. WWE/ECW - 122


4. Wrestling Society X

5. WWE Heat

6. IFL Battleground



Worst Feud of the Year


1. Kane Vs. Big Daddy V - 204 pts

2. VKM Vs. Christy Hemme - 121

3. Eric Young Vs. Robert Roode

4. Batista Vs. Giant Khali

5. Vince McMahon Vs. Bobby Lashley

6. Layla Vs. Kelly kelly

7. Kane Vs. Giant Khali

8. Cody Rhodes Vs. Bob Holly

9. Abyss Vs. Black Reign

10. WWE Vs. Honesty & John Cena Vs. Giant Khali (TIE)



Worst Match of the Year


1. Chris Harris Vs. James Storm (Blindfold match - 4/15) - 149 pts

2. Fake Donald Trump Vs. Fake Rosie O'Donell (1/8) - 119

3. Giant Khali Vs. Kane (4/1)

4. Giant Khali Vs. Horsnwoggle (11/17)

5. Layla Vs. Kelly Kelly (11/27)

6. Monsters Battle Royal Kane Vs. Giant Khali Vs. Mark henry (10/30)

7. Big Daddy V. Vs. Boogyman (9/18)

8. Kane Vs. Mark henry (6/3)

9. Chrsity Hemme Vs. Fat Oily Guy (2/11)

10. Giant Khali Vs. Batista (10/7)



Worst Promotion of the year


1. TNA - 520 pts

2. WWE - 42 pts

3. IFL

4. All-Japan

5. AAA

6. IWA Puerto Rico



Best Booker


1. Gabe Sapolsky - 495 pts.

2. Joe Silva - 128

3. Riki Choshu

4. Michael Hayes

5. Dorian Roidan

6. Vince McMahon



Promoter of the year


1. Dana White - 412 pts

2. Vince mcMahon - 113

3. Cary Siikin

4. Joachim Roldan

5. Paco Alonso



Best Gimmick


1. Santino Marella - 344 pts.

2. Black Machismo Jay Lethal - 52

3. MVP

4. Fetus

5. Takeshi Morishima

6. Matt Classic

7. Delirious

8. King Booker

9. Chris Hero

10. Awesome Kong



Worst Gimmick


1. Black Reign - 203 pts

2. Horswoggle McMahon - 88

3. Pacman Jones

4. Big Daddy V

5. Jillian Hall singing

6. VKM

7. Abyss

8. Fat Oiley Guy

9. Boogyman

10. HG & Giant Khali (TIE)



Best Pro Wrestling Book


1. Hitman by Bret Hart - 266 pts

2. A Lion's Tale by Chris Jericho - 237

3. Brody Vs. Larry Matysik

4. Hardcore Diaries by Mick Foley

5. NWA by Tim Hornbacker

6. Lucha Loco by Malcom Venville

7. Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Heels by Oliver/Johnson



Best Pro Wrestling DVD


1. Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen - 332 pts

2. History of the AWA - 73

3. The Ladder matches

4. Shawn Michaels: heartbreak & Triumph

5. The New and Improved DX



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