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Kiyoshi Tamura Vs. Tsuyoshi Kohsaka, U-Style 2/4/2004



Tamura vs Kohsaka, U-Style February 4th 2004


Background: Two of the best shoot-style workers of the '90s were eventually forced to do shoots, with some interesting results. U-Style was a worked promotion started in 2003 so that Tamura could return to worked bouts.


Why I think it's underrated: Shoot-style in general isn't as popular as other styles, for reasons that probably don't need explaining. Tamura and Kohsaka go at it with such speed and fluidity that I think most people will be able to appreciate this.


What it deserves: Top 100, and top 50 consideration for shoot-style fans.


Hey guys. Long time lurker, decided to sign up because I watched this match. Don't know if I'll end up with a 50 match ballot but I'm gonna try to at least watch 100 matches and join in on the discussion.


Kiyoshi Tamura Vs. Tsuyoshi Kohsaka, U-Style 2/4/2004


I remember having a DVD set of early UWF and being impressed by the pace at which Tamura worked the mat. Didn't know TK did worked matches. Before this I only knew him as a middling MMA fighter and the dude who gave Fedor Emelianenko his first loss.


That said, this wasn't really a context heavy match. Shoot style is one of my favorite styles of wrestling to watch and this delivered a lot of what I look for. The opening matwork was awesome. Tamura and TK create really nice, fluid sequences that are made even better by their shoot wrestling skills. As an MMA fan, it's sometimes hard for me buy in to people's mat work and strikes when they don't look like there's any real struggle. That's not to say I don't love a good worked punch, but Tamura and TK's mat work looks like two guys who have spent years in the gym on the mat finding counters and holds from every position. The pace in the first few minutes was awesome and does a really good job of setting up the eventual break down from feeling out process to "Yeah I'm just gonna try to murder this dude."


Around the 5:00 mark Tamura gets full mount and pulls out one of the swankest stand ups from mount I've seen. Made almost no sense as the mount is one of the most dominant positions on the mat... but whatever. TK gets a nasty headlock that looks all strength, no technique and forces a rope break. When Tamura gets up, he scores a knock down with a disgustingly sick high kick and I feel as if the stand up from mount is justified - no point in possibly giving up your back for an early arm bar when you can just drill TK in the temple. They keep building towards the end and every sequence feels more intense than the last. You can really see the difference in how holds are applied in the first few minutes and how they're just grinding each other in to dust near the end. Tamura's punches to the gut to escape a heel hook were awesome and were a good example of how simple stuff can convey a huge sense of urgency.


Really liked this match. Everything about it felt organic, which to me is what makes matches good - particularly shoot style matches. Everything escalated very well from the opening feeling out process to Tamura having to rip TK's hands apart to get the armbar for the finish.


Where I'll have it - In the 75 range.


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