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Mixed Up Monday: MUGA & NJPW

G. Badger


Tatsumi Fujinami & Shinichi Nakano vs Osamu Nishimura & Yuki Ishikawa (03/03/98 MUGA): I hope you know what each guy looks like because everyone has black trunks, black boots, and black hair! This ain't your 2018 NJPW strong style with leather pants, dye jobs, and fancy colors! This is '98 MUGA and it's all about true Inoki style grappling and such.


Most of this puppy was fought on the canvas with a slap, knee or suplex thrown for good measure. 3/4 cup of matwork, scrambling & 1/4 cup slap or knee, preferably stiff.


This is probably my favorite style of matwork so, this was a dream match come true. I favor this over shoot style because I don't care for the point systems and the drama associated with keeping track of them. 1 point for rope breaks, 2 for a knockdown, 6 points for a fractured orbital bone, etc. Just fucking go for it man! That's what I want when I watch wrestling. I do enjoy shoot style but, sometimes it crosses over to 'nearly legit' and then, I remember it's not because no one in their right mind would give up that position in a real fight etc. Some kinda sex joke could probably be made there...go ahead think of one...chuckle. I did :P


Thank you Jetlag for posting this on the 'tube. This is a great match, a dream match! Go see this!


Osamu Kido & Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs Tatsumi Fujinami & Masahiro Chono (07/20/93 NJPW): Thank goodness for browsing around Youtube. Who knew this match was floating around NJ in '93? Not me I guess...


13 minutes of old school action here. I really, really dug this match...digging for gold here. Chono vs Fujiwara was the best. I'm a Chono fan so maybe I'm biased but, if you're reading this- go watch it. I highly recommend it and is a fantastic little bit of random wrestling goodness floating on down the information super highway. Mixed metaphor success!


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