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G. Badger


AKINO & Ayako Hamada vs Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita (LCO) (06/09/01 Arsion): This match begins slowly and in a rather loose manner. I don't recall when it picks up but, its sometime when Mita starts bleeding! Yes, yes very good. Then more action, Shimoda's bleeding... Moving along swimmingly. AKINO's really standing out but, I'll skip to the highlights! There are chairs, tables, (aforementioned) blood, dives, double teams, and false finishes. This really picked yp into something special. If you're a fan of Yoshi, women's wrestling, and/or ECW, I highly recommend that you watch this!


Lioness Asuka vs Mariko Yoshida (07/03/01): This is all good. Mariko wrestles, Lioness wrestles. Mariko strikes, Lioness strikes. I couldn't ask for anything more. A perfect mix of wrestling & gimmick spots with superb execution. A match with fantastic build that led to logical submission and pinfall attempts. This really looked like 2 champs battling. This was great!


Hijo del Santo, Yoshihiro Asai & Gran Hamada vs Negro Casas, Blue Panther & Fuerza Guerrero (WWA 1990): If you're a fan of Michinoku Pro like me, I think you'd dig the beans outta this. Its a compact match with everyone pairing off evenly. Hamada & Fuerza leave me with the most lasting impression. Casas & Negro are great as always. Asai (Ultimo) was very good but, with Panther, seemed off their mark. Overall this was 2000 pounds of fun. If you're into M-Pro, I highly recommend the match for you. Its time well spent!


Akira Hokuto vs Manami Toyota (08/21/93 AJW): This wasn't a perfect match BUT is a perfect way to be introduced to Joshi, Hokuto, and Toyota. This bout is full of stretches, stiff kicks, and maneuvers. I think their 08/19/90 match is better (which I reviewed a couple weeks ago) and their 09/02/95 encounter is worth going back to review as well. But! This is the place to start :D High recommendation!


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