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Ring of Honor - Winter Warriors 2015 - Dayton

G. Badger


ROH Winters Warriors - Dayton

I really enjoyed ROH's Atlanta Winter Warriors 2015 show awhile back. (https://forums.prowrestlingonly.com/blogs/entry/567-the-2010s-roh-winter-warriors-tour-2015-atlanta/ )There's good talk about the Dayton show so, I decided to check it out. Let's see if its any good.

Will Ferrara vs Romantic Touch - Good laughs to start and pretty good action for the opener. Fun

Chris Dickenson vs Michael Elgin - Some people have really liked this match saying it was great or **** or whatnot but, I'm not going to agree with that. It was the 2nd match on the card and with Elgin being a former World Champ, there's no way he should have given his opponent this much offense. I think it's the case of Elgin bringing in a buddy to showcase him but, this looked like a title match rather than a try-out. It came across a very bush league. Still, it was fun but, I disagree with the way it was worked.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Michael Bennett (w/ Maria and Taven): This was a very good singles match with Maria & Taven throwing all kinds of trouble Ciampa's way. Of course Ciampa is a loon and forces them to run to the back but, Hanson is blocking their way. This leads to...

Bennett & Taven vs Ciampa & Hanson: And man, is this all kinds ofchaos! I love this type of stuff :) A simple story of the bearded babyfaces getting revenge on the shit talking, good looking heels and babe. The energy was there, the pacing was there, and everything just clicked. Great match and a fantastic segment if you count the match before. This was the right way to steal a show.

Cheeseburger & Big Mac vs Jay Lethal & Diesel: Not Kevin Nash but, another guy who was in ROH at the time. I don't really care either, sorry. Anyhow, fun match that was well worked and kept the good times rolling.

Louis Lyndon & Flip Kendrick vs Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer: Well, this killed the show's momentum...this looked like some undercard stuff from 2003. I couldn't sit through this. SKIP If you get this show, seriously just skip it and it won't kill your buzz. This is the definition of a popcorn match... get you snacks and pee break in before the star studded main events.

Alberto El Patron vs Roderick Strong: This was a fantastic physical match between two veteran wrestlers. Alberto was going after Roddy's injured arm; hoping to secure the cross armbreaker. Roderick was trying to break down El Patron's body as only he can. The fans were psyched to see this match up and so was I. Alberto, Regal, and Danielson were two guys I would watch in the WWE so, it was great to see the former Dos Caras Jr. in a ring where he could show US fans what he's about. It was a shame they couldn't bring him in for more shows but, I'm glad we got this one. A great match, maybe a near classic that was everything it needed to be.

But, that wasn't the main event!

The Briscoes vs Matt Sydal & ACH: This was the action packed blast that I hoped for. It was just two top teams squaring off and going wild. Mark was a little off (under the weather in winter?) but, that did not detract from how exciting that was. This was a great match and a fantastic way to close the show. Dayton fans had to be psyched.

Overall, this was great show. There were 3 amazing matches that really make this a must see B-show. I know the DVD is discounted now along with the Atlanta show (link for that post) so, I would totally recommend getting these or doing the streaming service thing. If you're watching NXT then, you should see some familiar face and this should be a no-brainer to check out.


Thanks for reading!


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