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Full Impact Pro - Dangerous Intentions 2008

G. Badger


Man, its been awhile since watching Full Impact Pro so I've cut down the # of matches I watched and my plan to post this on Fridays. It don't matter now...here's the teaser trailer:

Davey Richards vs Tyler Black - Alright these guys are not playing around. Davey kinda starts with his goofy heel over- selling but soon he and Black hit their stride. They just started doing their indy-workrate thing and that's what everyone wants to see. I skipped most of the show because I've been putting off the FIP stuff. But there's no easier way to get back into it than seeing these guys do their thing. Very good match that was closing in on greatness. Although this show is the third to last, FIP's style has caught up to ROH circa 2008.

Kenny King & Jason Blade vs Jay Briscoe & Austin Aries - The YRR (still going strong) attack Tyler after the match and Briscoe and Aries come to make the save. We get a great impromptu tag title match. Tons of action and spots. This was a step up in action and excitement from the previous match. Great match

Roderick Strong vs Erick Stevens (Last Man Standing) - A wild brutal brawl for the FIP title. This was absolutely vicious. Stevens has stepped up his game big time and Roderick was glad to match his intensity. I'll still put this behind Roddy vs Jack but this may be my #2 FIP singles match. Probably the best hardcore FIP bout I've seen.

Only watched 3 bouts but man, this was 1 hour's worth of exciting wrestling. Definitely worth the $5 from Highspots and probably better than any wrestling on TV today.

Thanks for reading!


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