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G. Badger


I am going to keep going with GAEA for the New Year. As I've done for the past few posts I'm going to split the wrestling year up. So let's look at early 2001!

Akira Hokuto & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka (01/27): This was a great under 10 minute match. The energy of the bout is what makes this so enjoyable. Its in Korakuen Hall, its noisy, there's blood, chairs flying, dives etc. Its not out of control but there's that energy. And even when the match is over, that energy is still there with Chigusa yelling on the microphone. And when Hokuto is shouting back with her addressing the camera, splatter of blood on her face, I got chills. This is badass stuff.

Akira Hokuto & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Meiko Satomura (03/11): A rip roaring good time! Everyone was at the top of their game (for '01 at least). Nice little bit of wrestling at the start. The opening with Oz & Meiko makes me want that match in this style...heck even Chigusa gets in with Oz, its still pretty cool. However this was a lot of brawling type action... I mean ECW/FMW stuff - weapons, spots etc. The babyfaces break down and engage in the chair swinging too.Also this is a match I would point to when making the claim that Satomura is an awesome tag wrestler. She is a fantastic #2 to the veteran Crush Gals and a fantastic #1/big sister when teamed with lower ranking partners. Anyhow, I watched this twice and it's a near classic GAEA tag. The pacing is excellent as they are fighting non stop for 13 minutes. On top of that, the execution is exceptional. There's only one moment where Satomura whiffs on kick but Ozaki didn't really sell it. She staggers back to avoid the chain which swings off Meiko's leg. But that gives Satomura the chance to try again and she makes sure she connected this time. Also lots of nice borrowing of moves and little things I noticed on the second watch.

Aja Kong & KAORU & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Lioness Asuka & Toshie Uematsu & Chikayo Nagashima (03/11): Not to be out done, they start this off like FMW, in the crowd, chairs, dive off the little stage, Uematsu being hung from the balcony!?! Holy cow! Things eventually get back in the ring and it becomes a more traditional match (not 100%). Lioness does an awesome spot with her table for instance. The real highlight and reason this is a great match is Aja vs Nagashima...or really when Aja & Nagashima are the focus. Nagashima was on fire here throwing 'ranas like Rey Jr. or Dragon Kid (maybe not as quick and smooth but you get my point). The assists from their partners are really on point too. Excellent finish to boot! 

Mayumi Ozaki & Akira Hokuto vs. Chigusa Nagoya & Lioness Asuka (04/08): Great 15 minute match between the two top teams. A bigger match than their January bout but similar as both teams used weapons and the action was pretty non-stop. I think I preferred that one but this was still awesome. They really have the mix of brawling and pro moves down pat. This was a big stakes match and it felt big but not big enough for me. That doesn't hurt the match but it holds it back from being a (near) classic.

There was an Akira Hokuto & KAORU vs. Lioness Asuka & Meiko Satomura (04/15) match that I wanted to see. I doesn't appear available online on the GAEAism YouTube :(

Kyoko Inoue & Aja Kong vs Crush Gals (04/22): Really fun 11 minute match. Everyone was was just doing their big stuff right from the start seemed. A little more so than most GAEA tag matches. But it worked! It was one of those crowds/matches where the fans were happy to see the matchup and the big moves...and that's what we got :) The Crush Gals actually out worked Aja and they didn't use any weapons (tables/chairs). Kyoko was having a lot of fun in the best way. Nice to see her back in GAEA.

Heck of a week of wrestling! Chock full of tag matches... I love it! One thing I'll mention is that these mainly focus on the veterans and not the GAEA homegrown talent as much. Sonoko Kato's absence is definitely being felt. That said Crush Gals 2000 and Ozaki & Hokuto are kicking butt!


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