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G. Badger


The YouTube account that had the DGUSA matches also has a bunch of PWG. Way too much if you know what I mean. But I was able to narrow it down to a few matches by the Motor City Machine Guns over the years. It's not complete or anything just some stuff I wanted to see.

Sabin vs Shelley (Hollywood Globetrotters 2006) - Pre Machine Guns...Shelley with two tone hair and Sabin with the alien on his trunks, yes! This was probably more towards Sabin's style (and the MCMG style) as opposed to Shelley's. Poetry in motion opening. But, whew! this was a great match. Lots of good back and forth stuff. Their familiarity with one another is clear and they are able to work some pretty complex stuff. I don't think there was a story or drama but this was a great athletic contest type match. 

vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Tyler Black (All Star Weekend IV 2006 night 1) - Dream match fulfilled... this was a classic in my book. Having watched all that Dragon Gate, this totally is in the same league! I loved the Shelley vs Jimmy stuff...playing off their history together. Anyways, the last couple minutes sealed the deal. If you're hoping this is worth your time then you gotta see this!

No Remorse Corps vs. Kings Of Wrestling vs. MCMG vs. Super Dragon & B-Boy (All Star Weekend IV 2006 night 2) - Hahaha! This is bananas in the best way! The built this thing with care. The first section was all mat and chain wrestling. Then they went into more advanced stuff like suplexes, slams and some double team stuff. It was simple timeless stuff and every once in awhile they would throw something modern (for 2006) in there. Or a fan service spot.. it is PWG after all. Then the final portion was your bat shit fireworks finale. I think if I had to pick a favorite pairing, it was Kings of Wrestling vs Motor City but, everyone was killing it. Super Dragon vs Davey (with their history) was the especially stiff and where the story of the match was. I thought this was a classic. The Guns killed it this weekend in Reseda :)

vs Young Bucks (Ninety Nine 2009) - A very good to great match. The Bucks at this time kinda have a set program of spots so I wasn't really surprised by anything they did but the Guns were looking great. Of course there are a couple moves you'd expect from the but they mixed things up a bit. And they did things that look like they hurt...like all of those kicks...damn! I think it was over a little too quick... like the finish didn't feel earned considering what just came beforehand. In other words, the wrong team won. But it's all good, this was a bunch of fun. Just don't expect a lot of actual tags, I think I remember like one tag, so Dragon Gate rules...thankfully I'm pretty used to it recently.

vs Danielson & Strong (DDT4 2009) - A dream match fulfilled again! A great match. It was simply awesome at times. It's great to see the Guns get the time to go all out. Dragon & Roddy is one of those rare pairs that you can't believe didn't happen sooner. I remember this at the time. Hybrid Dolphins was their tag name :D I wasn't crazy about the finish but the crowd was & you might be too so I definitely recommend this one.

Pretty sweet batch of matches here. The bouts from the ASW IV events were the best. Thanks for reading!


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