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AJPW You Might Have Missed - Muto's AJPW - 2002 - Part 3

G. Badger


Sorry for the delay! My family health issues are ongoing and I really haven't been in the mood to watch wrestling. I have chipped away at my list and finally got this week done. It wasn't a slog or anything at all. In fact, I've really enjoyed it. It's the diversion that I've needed. I'm just not in the head space to watch it on a regular basis right now. 

Arashi, Nobukazu Hirai & Nobutaka Araya vs. Dr. Death, Mike Rotunda & Yuto Aijima
(07/17): A fun steak and egg kind of match. If this was a little crisper in a few places, this could actually have been quite good. Still I liked it :)

Also from this show is the classic Genichiro Tenryu vs. Satoshi Kojima (07/17/2002) match. Gaora recently posted this so I'll share it here:



Great Koji vs Great Muta (07/20): Muto wrestled 3 times this show. Once as Kokushi Muso (the monk) vs Hayashi, then another as Muto in 6 man legends match then this match.

Gaora has it here:



Tenryu vs Taiyo Kea (07/20): Ooohhh!!! This was great (and shown in full from TV)! 15 minutes of Kea & Tenryu beating the crap outta each other. The Kea vs Tenryu rivalry/angle is really slept on in my opinion. It's very much "younger" guy taking on the legend to prove himself. I think the angle really establishes Kea as a star that no other matchup could. See the 2001 matches & my reviews for context. This is the one to watch!!

Arashi, Nobutaka Araya & Yuto Aijima vs. Yoji Anjo, Mitsuya Nagai & Shigeo Okumura
(AJPW PPV 08 30 2002): This was OK. It had no real flow but there's a couple neat moments and I liked the finish. I definitely believe they could have done better BUT I think the purpose of the match was to put over Nagai's roundhouse kick. You're probably not going to watch it so I spoiled the ending.

Steve Williams & Mike Rotundo & Gran Naniwa vs. Johnny Smith & George Hines & Gran Hamada (08/30): Fun match but nothing you couldn't see elsewhere. It was cool that the heavyweight guys really put over Naniwa & Hamada's moves. Naniwa was actually the standout of the whole thing to be honest. Dr. Death & Hines were good too.

Thanks for reading! Take care of yourself...take your health seriously. Things don't always get better on their own. If you've got some health concerns and are nervous about seeing a doctor then, talk to a friend, family member or co-worker. They might be able to help in some way. See if there's tele-health available to you or maybe there's a YouTube video that can help with your symptoms. Anything proactive is better than ignoring it OR thinking you're fucked & giving up at the start. And once you gets started, keep momentum. Starting is the hardest part so long as you keep doing the work. It sucks to have to confront this stuff... regardless if it's your health or a loved ones. But to be honest, you'll have to confront it sooner or later. I'm telling you that sooner is better... it sucks BUT it sucks less because you'll be saving yourself or others a ton of hassle and grief. OK that's my PSA! Hopefully that helps someone out there in webland...just if you're going through something similar, you're not alone :)


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