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G. Badger


Kuniaki Kobayashi has passed away recently. If you've read my Tiger Mask posts or my 1985 AJPW posts, you'll find that he's one of my favorites. Hell, even if you go back to my 1988 NJPW posts, he still was having some of the best matches of the year. He's one of those underrated wrestlers that makes his opponent look great. A kind person has put up the following matches so I thought I would give them a look:

vs The Cobra (01/06/84): This was rough around the edges but as as result had a early 90's Japanese indie feel to it (maybe even mid 90's ECW TV title with Dean, Eddie & Too Cold Scorpio feel). That and Kobayashi bled and well the Cobra costume... I mean there's nothing that even refers to a snake in the whole outfit. Very indies :D Cobra/George Takano isn't the most technically sound wrestler so Kobayashi keeps this thing on the rails (at his own peril). I could tell the booker really wanted a Tiger vs Kobayashi level feud. And while it doesn't hit the same, they really gave it their all. This was fiery and that's what makes this worthwhile. Very good match and if you wanted to see a Cobra match, I'd recommend this one.

w/ Hiro Saito vs Shiro Koshinaka & Naoki Sano (05/25/89): Whoa! That's what I'm talking about! The Koshinaka vs Kobayashi feud is still going strong from '88. This heated, well executed pro wrestling. We have three of the more/most unsung workers of the 80's/90's in Sano, Koshinaka & Kobayashi in one match. And shoot, Hiro Saito is motivated in '89...this is great stuff. A hidden gem in my book... It might be my late 80's tag team love talking but this is a near classic.

vs Super Strong Machine (01/25/90): A fun under 10 minute match where we got to see both guys' moves. Plus things got very WAR-like with some stiff shots and grumpiness.

Hiroshi Hase, Hoshino & Kobayashi vs Honaga, Goto & Hiro Saito (02/10/1990): joined in progress but 6 or so minutes of fun. The Hase, Kobayashi & Hoshino team was a blast to watch! ...Found this thing in full...Yeah this is really good stuff. There's just a ton of action and rope running. Honaga, Goto & Hiro Saito kinda seem interchangeable but Hase, Hoshino & Kobayashi all bring something different to the table. Don't fret if you don't find the full version though... I think you'd get the same vibe if seeing the jip one.

Kantaro Hoshino & Kengo Kimura vs Kuniaki Kobayashi & Osamu Kido (01/04/92): Osamu Kido has passed away recently as well. This joined in progress bout was a good showcase for him rather than Kobayashi. Still they made a good tag team here. 

w/ Koshinaka vs Hiro Saito & Tatsushi Goto (05/17/92): Saito and Goto are wearing masks like Super Strong Machine. They're part of the Raging Staffs stable. Anyhow, slight joined in progress match. No worries...it's a fun match where there's a punching, stomping, sorta heel tactics from both teams and then we get an exciting finishing stretch. It's fun :) I'll note that it seems that Kobayashi is far less technical here than he was in the 80's. My guess is age, booking and the overall style changes in wrestling has that effect.

-Don't  think he got soft though. No, scroll down to the '92 Karate matches...pissed off Kobayashi is still there. He's not technical but his intensity is still there...back to our new reviews-

Takayuki Iizuka, Akira Nogami & Kido vs Akitoshi Saito, Kobayashi & The Great Kabuki (1/04/95): This one didn't have a ton of Kobayashi but it still was a fun Tokyo Dome six man match. Honestly Akira Nogami felt like the standout guy with Akitoshi Saito being #2. 

vs Akira Nogami (02/03/96 Hair vs Hair) This was a great match! It wasn't over the top but a damn solid keep it simple match. Things really picked up in the end as the winner was in doubt. I dug the heck out of the finish too...it felt gutsy. And of course the post match shearing is entertaining :)

w/Koshinaka & Saito vs Shinya Hashimoto, Nogami & Junji Hirata (02/04/96): Watch this after the Hair match or you're going to spoil the outcome of that match. Another really heated match and great follow up to the above fight. Kobayashi isn't done with Akira. Junji & Shinya are in his way. That's cool because Koshinaka & Akitoshi Saito don't care. There's some really good pairing here and fun double & triple team moves. It's not fancy but really enjoyable stuff. The finish was pretty sweet too! Very good stuff.

vs Akira Nogami (02/05/99): Gotta admit I dig this mid card multi-year feud with Nogami. This looked to be a single round during a team match so it was only 6 minutes or so. It was a really good sprint. Nogami was providing the action and well Kuniaki was keeping up too! A lot of fun here!

Here's some more stuff that is pretty awesome and under the radar. I've included the reviews too. These are from a few years ago:

Kuniaki Kobayashi & Shiro Koshinaka vs Masashi Aoyagi & Akitoshi Saito (03/09/92): This thing starts and Karate takes over quickly. This is tornado tag rules- something we just don't get enough of nowadays. Kobayashi tears Aoyagi's gi like dollar store kleenex- fuck your traditions! Koshi & Saito are going at it as well. Anyone who thinks Shiro's hip attacks are lame needs to get a load of him here. He destroyed Akitoshi 's face. This is some fast & loose brawling. Kuniaki goes straight berserk at the end. Holy cow! The ref is checking on Saito and there's a stoppage. But it ain't done yet! This is chaotic as all get out! Very good to great match even. You gotta see this if you are fans of these guys. A very early FMW vibe.

Akitoshi Saito vs Kuniaki Kobayashi (04/30/92): After the entrances, Sensei Aoyagi is in ring, suited up (literally), with a really old looking wooden board or tablet. Perhaps it is significant to he, Saito, or their dojo??? It appears that Koshinaka & Kuniaki have an envelope. I'm going to wager a guess that they're putting these things up as stakes. Winner takes all. I'd rather win the envelope...its probably cash or like nudie pics of their girlfriends or something. What are ya gonna do with an old board? Make a paint shelf in your garage? Nevertheless, the crowd is hyped & the intensity is like the midday sun. Let's do this! The fighting is downright brutal- Sickeningly stiff! Saito is bleeding again- blood splatter on his gi, blood splatter on the camera lense! This is how you do it! Saito is hanging in there but, Kobayashi is like a demon. A karate kid throws in the towel but, immediately Aoyagi smacks him and calls bullshit! The fighting continues. Yes! This is not slick pretty wrestling. It is grisly uncooperative wrestling-as-combat. Double plus respect to both dudes. Great match!

If you're interested in the top shelf stuff only, I highly recommend Kobayashi vs Tiger Mask in '82 & '83. Everyone will probably say that. Here's some  more of my favorites with Kobayashi at the top of his game:
Kuniaki Kobayashi vs Tiger Mask II (AJPW 06/21/85)
Kuniaki Kobayashi vs Tiger Mask II (AJPW 08/31 aired 09/07/85)
Akira Nogami, Tatsutoshi Goto, K. Yamada, K. Hoshino & S. Koshinaka vs Hiroshi Hase, K. Kobayashi, Kensuke Sasaki, N. Honaga & H. Saito (04/27/88)
Shiro Koshinaka vs Kuniaki Kobayashi (8/08/88)


This was a blast to watch and I feel like I have a fuller appreciation of Kuniaki Kobayashi. This has been good to hopefully share some match recommendations. And hopefully I have honored him and his work here in some very small way. Thank you Kobayashi!!!


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