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G. Badger


Nothing says "Halloween" like two grown men dressing up as skeletons. La Parka is that fun "mom made my costume" skeleton and Mortis is more like you went to Kmart and bought your outfit. Watching all of these matches should hopefully put you in a good mood. Have some candy or pumpkin spiced snacks and check these out :)

Mortis vs Silver King (01/09/97): Silver King!!! This is a lot of fun. This is probably a little too even considering the size difference and everything but screw it! It's 2024 and this puts a smile on my face.

Juventud Guerrera, Super Calo, & Ultimo Dragon vs. La Parka, Psicosis, & Silver King (06/09/97): Holy cow - spot festival to the max! This is so much fun to watch. Sure the seams show here & there but this must have been crazy to see on Nitro back then!

La Parka & Silver King vs. Juventud Guerrera & Super Caló (06/21/97): Absolute bananas WCW Saturday Night match...so many Looney Tunes spots crammed into 5 minutes. Watch it!

Mortis & Wrath vs La Parka & Psicosis (07/22/97): You know it's '97 Nitro because they gave them time to work some kind of match. And that was a fucking blast! Parka & Psicosis are bumping all of the place! I even this Psicosis did a purposeful botch just to take a sick bump. Make no mistake, they didn't get bowled over by Mortis & Wrath though. The big men took a beating as well. Really appreciated Mortis/Kanyon's selling too. 

Mortis vs Psicosis (07/26/97): Saturday Night excellence - A very good mix of high flying & power wrestling. Both guys love to take risks & get creative with the offense so this was very entertaining. And who should come out post-match? but our co-star La Parka! Really dug this. Nice reference back to the previous match there.

La Parka vs Chris Jericho (07/27/97): A full match! Good, good stuff with both guys putting on a show for the WCW Pro crowd without going spot crazy. This is the longest La Parka match so far (I think).

La Parka vs Glacier (10/27/97): Fun match with Parka making Glacier look great by taking some great bumps. 

Mortis & Wrath vs Steiner Bros. (11/01/97): I can't believe that this was on Sat. Night! Surprisingly even fight - it really was simple but good stuff. Big moves from both teams and a clean finish (even though I thought someone was going to run in & spoil it). Definitely worth your time if you're interested.

Mortis vs Ultimo Dragon (11/08/97): Way too short (Nitro!) but they still packed a lot of neat stuff in here.

La Parka & Silver King vs Public Enemy (12/14/97): Hahaha! This was a great hard core comedy match for WCW Worldwide. Lots of cool moves, excellent pace, humor...yeah shit like this was my jam as a teenager. Stuff like this is why I think of the WCW C-shows more fondly than Nitro.

La Parka & Psicosis vs. Rey Misterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera (12/15/97): What the fuck!? Hahaha - this is awesome! Nearly 7 minutes of double teams, tandem spots, crazy everything. All executed to perfection. Go watch this!

Mortis vs Juventud Guerrera (01/03/98): Oh!! That was a sick match! So many crazy moves but so well paced and they worked a great David vs Undead Goliath match. This was legitimately a very good match. Chris Kanyon really knew how to work with the luchadores.

Mortis vs Booker T (01/19/98): Oh shoot! That power bomb!! I'm not sure how competitive this was but they did a lot of crazy stuff here! Definitely worth a watch for the power bomb.

Mortis vs Raven (01/26/98): Nitro match and this has some pretty good moments. Like Mortis baseball slide kicking Raven's nads :D

La Parka vs Super Calo (02/19/98): Super Calo does a bunch of offense and La Parka makes him look great. There's not a lot of flow to this match though. There's a bunch of Calo vs La Parka matches so I'm just watching this one.

La Parka, Psicosis & El Dandy vs Magnum Tokyo, Shiima Nobunaga & Judo Suwa (04/06/98): A bunch of fun capped off by a bunch of dives and big moves. Give these guys 5 more minutes WCW :P

La Parka vs Booker T (04/13/98): Damn this was more competitive than I thought it would be. Maybe it's just me but I like WCW Booker T more than in the WWE. 

La Parka & Psicosis vs Magnum Tokyo & Judo Suwa (06/14/98): Quick but a lot of fun! Comedy, dives and some cool double teams.

La Parka & El Dandy vs Psicosis & Juventud Guerrera (07/19/98): Another fun match :) Neat seeing El Dandy in these tags.

La Parkavs Eddie Guerrero (01/07/99): Holy cow! They gave this almost 10 minutes! La Parka and Eddie got to tell a story and have a fleshed out match instead of 5 minutes of spots. Good stuff!

La Parka vs Rey Misterio Jr. (01/21/99): Whew doggy! Rey & Parka killed it. Both guys gave a ton here... both dudes look like they got killed on a couple moves. Definitely recommend checking this out!

A big take away lesson is that WCW had a ton of dudes in costumes. All of those costumes rocked! That's something I think we're missing out on in contemporary American wrestling. Another thing I've learned about is why I fondly remember WCW Saturday Night and Worldwide. They had some damn fun wrestling!


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