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[2001-01-14-Michinoku Pro] Carlos Amano vs Hiromi Yagi

Ma Stump Puller

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A potential dream match between two of the best Joshi grapplers of the time turns out to be not what it could've potentially been, but still nevertheless a fun watch.

It was not a shocker than this was a banger by any extent of the imagination even with the clipping taking about 4 minutes off the runtime. Yagi is a similarly awesome grappler that was chronically overlooked because of her being rather undersized even by Joshi standards, which is a shame because she's real smooth here. Loads of snug grappling transitions and sequences that even the Michinoku crowd had to woo and ahh at points because these two are just that damn good at getting submission wrestling over without needing to grind the match to a dead halt like a Shamrock/Funaki tend to do. Any match that incorporates a Electric Chair lift into a cross armbreaker is pretty much instantly going to be something worth watching in my mind.

Some awkward bits with the faster moments as Amano isn't the most seasoned at this point but none that break the flow of the match completely. Yagi takes from a Fujiwara finish as she takes a vicious German suplex in order to snap on a lightning-fast Fujiwara armbar only to then hit the ropes just as things seemingly start to get real hairy. Amano like a goof tries for one herself immediately after only for Yagi to hit a awesome side-backdrop pin into cross armbreaker to finish this off conclusively with a another cool moment. Fun small outing that really makes you wish Amano dipped her toe into ARSION at some point: the whole shoot vibe that had would've worked wonders for something like this, especially with more time and a crowd conditioned to enjoy the grappling more so than anything else.

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