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ROH vs CZW and all the other interpromotional craze

The Nicks

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I've always been interested in this moment, but I never had the means or the time to do a deep dive into the topic before.

For some, this period was the summon of the golden age of indie wrestling. It's time to give my completely unqualified opinion on the subject.

I'll go over some highlights prior to the feud itself:

Road to Necro vs. Show
Mad Man Pondo & Necro Butcher vs. Matt Turner & Anthony Franco (Tag World Grand Prix 2005) - Chikara

The match that preceded one of the most beloved indie classics. Before the bout, the ROH guys cut a basic promo of "Real Wrestling vs. Garbage Backyarders," burying Necro and Pondo, saying they were going to teach them a lesson in the name of wrestling’s great legends.

The match is an extended beatdown of monsters vs. jobbers. Franco and Turner were very green, and their hope spots didn’t convince me at all. Necro and Pondo follow the 101 of Brody and Hansen, with some high spots thrown in. Nothing remarkable, but interesting as part of the project and for seeing these two deathmatch wrestlers in such an unusual environment for them, like Chikara.

Samoa Joe vs. Necro Butcher (Something to Prove '05) - IWA MS

A contemporary classic. The sum of its parts works perfectly here: the arena, the fans, the monster vs. the badass ass-kicker in a brawl that feels like it's straight out of the climax of some exploitation movie.

Necro, in zombie mode, absorbs punishment worthy of a martyr. Joe, for his part, carries himself like the toughest guy in the world. Watching this match, you could easily believe he could take down Fedor Emelianenko or even Godzilla.

Here, in particular—and contrary to what usually happened in this era—the commentary actually enhances the trashy atmosphere.

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Samoa Joe vs. Necro Butcher II – IWA Mid-South New Year's Resolution – 01/12/06

The rematch doesn’t live up to the original; it’s a match that fits well within the Indie Main Event universe. Joe takes the victory thanks to an interference by Hero.

The Feud Itself
The first act of the feud is the build-up to a match between Danielson and Hero in ROH through call-outs and Dragon’s surprise appearance in CZW. The roles between the two promotions are clear: ROH represents the sports presentation with the best athletes in the world and a certain self-entitled identity. CZW plays the outsider, the place where the toughest fighters battle.

Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero – ROH Hell Freezes Over
Big-time indie match. They get too clever at times, overloading the striking and the bombs, fulfilling certain tropes of the era that haven’t aged well. The best work happens on the mat, where they bring enough struggle to keep our attention.

In the following weeks, CZW invades ROH shows, culminating in a huge brawl at ROH’s Anniversary event. Cornette and Kingston deliver brilliant promos during these events.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
BLKOUT (Eddie Kingston & Ruckus) & Necro Butcher vs. Generation Next (Austin Aries, Matt Sydal & Roderick Strong) – CZW When 2 Worlds Collide

Six guys whose work I enjoy. Eddie knows how to gain sympathy from the audience, and Aries excels in offense. This match feels much more filled with hatred than the title match. Circus freaks vs. three jocks. Eddie eats the fall, and the CZW OGs come to the rescue. Zandig’s botched powerbomb on Sydal further cements his place as one of my least favorite wrestlers.


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