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Best Matches Watched of 2024

It's that time of year where I like many people look back at the past year and make lists or hand out superlatives My reason for doing this is to provide a guide for people looking for new or different wrestling especially starting out. All the different lists people made helped me either get started in watching old wrestling or helped me decide where to go next.  HR stands for Highly Recommended or honorable mention... near classic match, stars denote an all time classic...these are the front

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Post #350 Spectacular!

I never thought that I would have done 350 blog posts when I had started this. Doing the blog has helped me keep up with my wrestling watching. There's been times where there's been burnouts or I just don't have the time/energy to get any watching in. This blog has motivated me to keep up with the hobby. But I think my biggest motivation is to share my views with everyone reading... and not because I think I've got the best reviews out there I want to help spread the word about wrestling from y

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Best Matches Watched of 2024...so far

Sorry for the delay! I have had some family health issues that I've been dealing with the past couple weeks. I've got a few matches left to watch of PWG All Star Weekend V - Night 2 but it's probably not going to be ready for another week or so. Sorry if you're looking forward to that! In the meantime, it's time for the Best Matches Watched (thus far) for 2024. I've sorted things by year. It's all 2000's & 2010's. I definitely have to get some 80's stuff in this year...but anyhow HM stands f

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Retro Wrestling Game Review - TNA Impact - PS2

I'm going to level with you. I have written a ton of stuff prior to this. I'm not going to include most of it because it amounts to me rambling on about game mechanics, what I think the developers intended, my struggle to understand the move system. I'm going to get that part of the review out of the way now. This is more like the Smackdown games than Fire Pro for PS2. To me Fire Pro Returns is the best wrestling game ever. This took me some getting used to because the controls are closer t

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Best Matches Watched of 2023

It's the end of 2023 and it is time for the Best Matches Watched of 2023. I've been trying to stick to different themes/projects each month so I thought it right to organize my list accordingly. If you want to go back and read the reviews then this should help you out. Plus there's a lot of very good and great matches you'll be able to explore that are not included here. A plus sign (+) means its an all time classic match and a contender for Best Match Watched for '23. HM stands for Honorable Me

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Best Matches Watched of 2023...so far

Here we are in June and it is time for the Best Matches Watched of 2023 so far. I've been trying to stick to different themes/projects each month so I thought it right to organize my list accordingly. If you want to go back and read the reviews then this should help you out. Plus there's a lot of very good and great matches you'll be able to explore as well. A plus sign (+) means its an all time classic match and a contender for Best Match Watched for '23. HM stands for Honorable Mention and is

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

Best Match Watched - 2022

I'm going to organize this years matches by what's 2010's AJPW and what's not.  Sorry for some inconsistency with the labeling of dates & promotions. I hope this helps folks find cool stuff to watch as well as stir up a little interest in going back and reading old blog posts. Its my version of Match of the Year and other year end award type stuff. Let's do the superlatives first. Best Surprise I think something I would say to start with would be the high quality of wrestling AJPW

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

From the Editor: My Perspective

It's about the end of the busy season at my job. My eyes and brain are fried. I've got a quickie review in mind but in the meantime I thought I'd write something up. One thing I have been interested in talking about is my perspective on wrestling and how that effects my reviews.  I try not to do work rate reviews. I'm not trying to give you a play by play of a match. I'm past the phase of nitpicking every match to see if the arm work leads to something. I've out grown the idea that selling

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

The 2010's: An Ongoing Project

I am not one to try and keep up with current wrestling- stateside or internationally. I am curious though and will try and watch stuff that's really hyped. The emphasis is on "try."   The new stuff ends up getting pushed aside by some older match or feud that seems way more interesting or less involved. New or current stuff kinda forces the viewers to keep up in order to get the most enjoyment out of it especially if I want to discuss it here on PWO. I just don't have the time to spend

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

An Introduction

I know blogs aren't the hip thing anymore. That's probably been the case for a long time actually. I'll admit that I'm out of it. Anyhow, I've been keeping a journal of my views on puroresu since I got hooked on it 11-12 years ago.   I've typed a couple hundred pages of reviews in a Word pad file on a Dell desktop. Then, for some reason a couple years ago, I've regressed into writing reviews into spiral notebooks. I've got to share this with someone, right? Eh, perhaps not the seasoned

G. Badger

G. Badger in From the Editor

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