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About this blog

Mostly here as a easy to access assortment of major material I've covered: nothing that fancy. Mostly here just so it's easier for me to search for stuff rather than digging though whatever else I've done, because that's getting surprisingly hard to do lol. 

Also in alphabetical order, because I know I'd be bothered otherwise.

Finished (ish) Projects

All Japan Oddities 1995/2000

Complete and Accurate Tiger Mask (NJPW)  (Post-UWF) 

How Good/Bad is Post-Exodus All-Japan?

Jun Izumida

Kendo Kashin

Mariko Yoshida Post ARSION


Necro Butcher IGF


Osamu Nishimura

[Tadao Yasuda-ISM Series]

Naoya Ogawa vs Tadao Yasuda

Masahiro Chono & Tadao Yasuda vs Shinjiro Otani & Takao Omori

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kensuke Sasaki vs Tadao Yasuda & Yutaka Yoshie

Manabu Nakanishi vs Tadao Yasuda

Keiji Muto vs Tadao Yasuda

Manabu Nakanishi vs Tadao Yasuda

Satoshi Kojima vs Tadao Yasuda

Tadao Yasuda vs Yuji Nagata


Yoshihiro Takayama (UWF/Kingdom)

Yoshinari Ogawa GWE (Mid 2010's)



Unfinished/In Progress

How bad  good is Post-Exodus All Japan?  (finished)

UWF Original

Carlos Amano Complete/accurate (finished)

Yoichi the Tiger is trying his best; a documentation of struggle 


Shilling Write-Ups for GWE

Carlos Amano (Complete/Accurate)

Tatsumi Fujinami

Tadao Yasuda: The Case for the 100th spot

Megumi Fujii

Kazunari Murakami

Gary Albright

Johnny Ace



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