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CMLL TV 2/23/92

ohtani's jacket


1. Los Destructores: Tony Arce/Vulcano/Rocco Valente vs. Love Machine (Art Barr)/America/Mano Negra


Los Destructores were really good in this. It's a bit difficult to tell one from the other, but they worked well as a trios. Plenty of good "routine", particularly their two and three man bumping act. The highlight was Mano Negra taking all three on at once in a beautifully coordinated sequence. Los Destructores have a neat trick they do where they sit on someone's lap to dissuade the technico from diving. The only dive in this was America (El Pantera) launching a springboard senton off Mano Negra's shoulders. Just a nice match. Even Art Barr was solid, particularly on the mat. I'm not declaring myself a fan yet, but of all the guys who made it south of the border he got it better than most.


2. Los Infernales: El Satanico/MS1/Pirata Morgan vs. Los Intocables: Pierroth Jr./Jaque Mate/Masakre


PIERROTH disappoints again :(


It started off like the awesome Rudos vs. Rudos feud you'd expect, but there was such a huge gulf in class between Los Intocables' half-assed brawling and the way Los Infernales take a man apart. In particular, I loved the way they treated Jaque Mate like he was a piece of shit, trying him up in knots and delivering a trio of headbutts, before pressing him over the top rope and getting rid of him completely. The match fell into a lull before Satanico turned it on like a man possessed and fought all three at once.


Pierroth lost his mask a bunch, the finish saw the usual challenges. A woman in the crowd thought it was the best thing to happen all year in Arena Mexico, but I was waiting for Pierroth to crank it up.


3. Los Brazos vs. Rayo de Jalisco Jr./Solomon Grundy/Vampiro Canadiense


This was the worst Brazos match I've seen. The highlight was Porky bringing a small pig with him, literally.


4. Bestia Salvaje vs. Huracan Sevilla - Hair Match.


This was an extremely good match between a youthful looking Bestia and the former Huracan Ramirez knock-off.


I was expecting this to be an early Bestia carry job, so I was a little surprised by how well Sevilla did. He was so cocky and sure of himself in the introductions, with a leather jacket and the classier ring girls in his corner, and they worked a smart heat ploy involving the heel ref, his second Norman Smiley and the crowd.


This was UWF Bestia, just absolutely rock solid as a base. His stuff always looked stiffer than most workers in Mexico and I think it was because of his accuracy. Even off a shoulder block, he'd look at where the technico landed before making his charge into the ropes, and in the second fall when Sevilla was throwing wild punches, Bestia's cut offs (punches to the back and kicks to the calves) looked right on target. It helped that Sevilla was bumping and selling like Satanico, but even Salvaje's drop toe hold into the submission finisher was class.


The match opened up beautifully in the final fall, with Bestia working his man from pillar to post. The ref screwed Sevilla throughout and sweet, sweet payback followed. Bestia bleed and took head first bumps off the ring post. El Brazo and the ref tried to spare his life and the whole thing was almost perfect lucha. To top it all off, Bestia got incredible height on the back body drops oover the ropes and took Sevilla's topes with full contact.


They took it home with one of the better finishing stretches you'll see in lucha, a mix of the ref helping Bestia cheat and Bestia taking it to the top rope with either ungodly planchas or huge missed sentons. Bestia's not with us anymore, and he never did his body any favours, but fuck it if he ever held back. He even made tucking your knees to counter a senton look like it wasn't co-operated, though I should reiterate that Sevilla's selling was great as he swam backwards on the mat to sell it.


It was one of those matches were never guy would quit and sold in a believable, convincing way. From the huge dives at the end to the ref LEAPING over a cradle attempt when he realised Bestia had the hold, the last fall was awesome. Neither guy could put the other away and they just duked it out. I can't even begin to describe how awesome it was when Sevilla sold his leg giving out on him only to monkey flip Bestia all the way over the top rope. Bestia just soared. And the finish was controversial, beautiful and so much more of a punch to the guts than the usual rudo way out. Sevilla giving his hair to both Bestia and the ref was the finishing touch to a classic.


One of the great matches of the whole '89-92 period.


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