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IWRG 10/3/08

ohtani's jacket


IWRG 10/3/08


Lucha Azteca La Nueva Era


1. Black Terry, Negro Navarro, Hijo de Pierroth vs. Pendulo, Freelance, Fenix


2. Campeones Vs Campeones:


Escuadron del Muerte: Xibalva, Cyborg, Capitan Muerte vs. Los Oficiales: Oficial 911, Oficial Ak 47, Oficial Fierro


This was closer to the type of lucha I like. Guys taking their time, working the mat and getting into a rhythm. The young guys were balls of nervous energy, ready to explode in a shower of highspots, but even when they veered toward overkill they'd earnt it.


Black Terry & Navarro are still savvy motherfuckers, which makes them two of the better workers in the world. There's not too many workers who impress me just by stepping through the ropes, but Navarro's one of them. Dude's got the build and the stance. Big fucking shoulders and a lifetime of grappling experience. Could probably crush a guy's hand with his fingers. He tied Fenix up in knots, and while he lost his footing a bit, I still came away thinking most motherfuckers can't wrestle like that. Hijo de Pierroth's a big lug, but every trios needs a hard working lug.


This was the first time for me to see Freelance. I didn't know he's so short. He kinda works like he's compensating for it, but still there's something in the way he carries himself. Guy has a similar build to Black Terry, hope he learns the ropes from him. One day lucha will need a veteran Freelance tearing shit up. Great armdrag, plenty of control on his dives. Maybe he's the new Virus. Wants to add that twisting shit to his moves, but it's a young man's world.


Los Oficiales made me feel like an old man. Motherfuckers went all out. I lost track.


I liked the beginning of the match, where everybody was trying to make each other submit. Dudes were walking headlong into submissions, but I liked the way they faced it head on. You could maybe argue that they didn't satisfy rudo vs. rudo expectations, but when these guys cut loose they tear shit down. Great gimmick, three guys who work hard and fast. Not my thing usually, but identical looking guys doing twin dives is awesome. I especially love how their hats are fixed to their masks. Couldn't keep up with the ending, had to watch the replay to see how smooth it was. Nice.


Enjoyed this show a lot. All's not lost.


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