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Los Brazos vs. Los Bucaneros (Super Libre)

ohtani's jacket


Los Brazos vs. Los Bucaneros (Pirata Morgan/Hombre Bala/El Verdugo), CMLL Oct/Nov 1989


This started off as a joke about Super Porky's gut and ended in a bloody mess.


Porky was feeling it from the start, going through his warm-ups (!) before the bell had even sounded. There's nothing quite as devastating as that man's gut and this time the recipient was Pirata Morgan.


Morgan was lavish with his over-selling and it led to some really great spots where the Bucaneros were afraid of Porky's gut, but what made it work were the other Brazos. They kept up the guise of Super Libre, playing enforcers as the Bucaneros tried to curtail the damage. And all the while no-one could thwart the maestro. The whole thing reached a wonderful crescendo when Morgan openly mocked Porky's gut and was dragged away like a fallen soldier.


That was the right time to shift the tone, but the ease with which they swapped set pieces for a rudo beatdown was impressive. Hombre Bala came to the fore here, and if ever a guy deserved a cult following it's him, because he was fucking awesome at shifting the tide. He laid into Porky with thick shots; poor Porky was like a stuck pig. His brothers weren't around to help him, as Brazo de Oro was bleeding from the temple, and that woke Pirata up. I believe this was the height of Pirata Morgan as a rudo, because he was vengeful here. Watch out for all the payback spots.


Earlier the crowd had been laughing and enjoying the Looney Tunes, now there was a disquiet among them. If you think of wrestling as having a scale, this was a masterful shift in tone. The Bucaneros went the whole hog (so to speak) and the crowd began to boo. Brazo de Oro collapsed from blood loss and the overtones were eerily different from the cannonball shots Morgan took.


The finish was great too. The Brazos decided to take care of business, but made a series of mistakes and the Bucaneros capitalised with their awesome triple headbutt spot. Not what the crowd wanted to see, but the Brazos, who'd been so cocksure at the beginning, were left bloodied, beaten and battered. Made you wanna see the rematch.


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