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Brazos vs. Bucaneros continued...

ohtani's jacket


Brazo de Plata & El Brazo vs. Verdugo & Hombre Bala, hair vs. hair, 11/17/89


This was from the same show as the Pirata Morgan/Oro title match.


It was a simple match that even a guy with a headcold could figure out. It didn't live up to their trios match, and they were happy to walk around doing stuff, but the publico loved it and Hombre Bala continues to be my hero. The finish was cool, as El Brazo went 2 on 1 against the Bucaneros and when he scored the winning fall the crowd rushed to the ring. This was when you could still smoke at Arena Mexico and there was a shot of a guy lighting a cigarette as he took it all in. The post-match was more entertaining than the match. They didn't show the haircut, but Brazo de Oro came to the ring with a shirt tied around his thigh and tugged his brothers' hair. Porky lifted a baby girl out of the crowd and raised her arm to the public. And so ended another night at Arena Mexico.


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