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Los Brazos vs Santo, Satanico, Eddy Guerrero

ohtani's jacket


Los Brazos vs Santo, Satanico & Eddy Guerrero, CMLL 9/16/90


I've been sick for more than two weeks, but I'm finally on the mend and this match is just what the doctor ordered.


Los Brazos are always entertaining, largely because they've got so many ways of telling the same stories over and over again, but rudo Brazos -- and not Bucaneros/Brazos, "rudos contra rudos" rudos, but actual "rudo" rudos -- is one of their best shticks.


You can follow the fortunes of any Brazo match by keeping an eye on Super Porky. He was all winks and nods to begin with, as the Brazos kept herding guys into the corner, and Porky worked them over with headbutts and little short arm jabs. There was an element of showboating, and we all know that Super Porky is easily excitable and prone to getting carried away. When it came time for Porky to conduct his plancha from the apron, he towered above Satanico... arms apart, eyes focused, mouth agape... by the time he leapt it was the greatest orchestration of a dive ever.


It was all going swimmingly, but when the rudos are making Santo eat the lace from the back of his mask, you know they're enjoying their work a little too much. In the second fall, Porky and Eddy did a comedy spot where Eddy couldn't lift Plata and Porky kept powerslamming him to the canvas. Finally, Eddy got the better of him and a few minutes later nailed him with a massive plancha that left Porky flat on his back, gasping for air. That was when the tables turned, and heel or face, Porky has never liked it when the tables turn.


When he finally made it back up to the apron, the crowd began egging him on and that's when Porky turned sour. He tried his jumping, spinning footwork, but Eddy wasn't mesmerised and Porky wound up in a front row seat. Eddy followed him outside and poked him between the eyes. Well now. Porky tried ripping out the front row seats, to no avail, and walking back to his corner, El Brazo pat him on the head, but Porky was livid. Further insult followed when Santo gave him a hip toss on the outside, like a matador letting a bull pass at his cape. When Porky got up he was breathing through his nostrils.


The last fall had a whole bunch of awesome punch exchanges and I think Satanico even threw in a nerve hold. The technicos were getting the better off the ropes exchanges, and Porky was no longer a happy chappy, so the Brazos got themselves DQ'ed for excessive violence, which is as good a reason to get yourself DQ'ed as there is. The finish worked beautifully since there was a simple reversal from the beginning and that's all you need to have a successful trios match, a simple turn of events over three falls.


No return match for this unfortunately, but Plata and his brothers weren't that impressed with wrestling the sons of two legends and Mexico's No.1. Great "fuck it" ending after being outmatched. I love "fuck it" endings, like the time Tenryu low blowed Tsuruta and got the fuck out of the arena. This wasn't that great, but Porky didn't want to play anymore, so it had its own charm.


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