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Sangre Chicana vs. Villano III

ohtani's jacket


Sangre Chicana vs. Villano III (12/3/83; may be from '84)


Eighties lucha! Where men were men and mano a mano meant hideous bladejobs.


Sangre Chicana has always been one of my favourite workers to watch. You watch a fight like this and he gets so much out of nothing, whereas today's kids get nothing out of too much. He took a beating here and his forehead was gashed, and not only was his selling better than anything I saw out of CMLL for the entirety of last year, but his offence amounted to a punch and tope. The tope was incredible, just a sickening clash of heads... You completely bought that Villano wasn't gonna make the count, and that Chicana couldn't keep fighting, even if no ref was gonna stop him. Villano was a mess and despite the fact he'd only been hit by a tope all match long, he was a sick man.


There was no way they were gonna go on fighting after that and the finish was a double DQ. These guys fought each other throughout the 80s, in what was essentially an EMLL vs. UWA match-up, so this was just another tease for a hair vs. mask match, but it's a nice ode to "six moves or less" lucha, that leaves the mat a little stained and the workers a bloody pulp.


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