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Blue Panther vs. Mr. Niebla

ohtani's jacket


Blue Panther vs. Mr. Niebla, Arena Puebla, 11/17/08


What is the deal with Mr. Niebla? Fuck he's an awful worker.


But the real problem here was Panther.


And ever since he unmasked, he's been doing this "old man in peril" act where he looks piss weak. It doesn't matter whether he fights back with a punch or a tope, it all looks weak. Guys like El Faraón never showed their age, but Panther can't seem to help it. His selling is shitty, and I hate the way he draws support by lying on the mat and clenching his leg... He's already got the stigma of losing his mask, yet he takes one beating after another. When he is gonna stop working like this and show some fight?


If you put Panther and Villano III in a hair match tomorrow, I wouldn't buy that Panther could take Villano's hair. He needs a major attitudinal shift. The stuff he does now was OK when he wore a mask, but he shouldn't be taking shit from anyone at this point, especially a guy like Niebla.


What was the point of Niebla conning Panther into a DQ finish? Is everyone gonna pile on Panther? How fucking dumb is CMLL? I'm slowly realising/coming to terms with the fact that nobody can work anymore, but booking is a whole nutha matter. Panther has got to be the weakest looking guy in Mexico right now and that's fucking stupid. I can't think of any older technico who'd put up with this. They'd all be demonstratively against it.


Get angry Panther.



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