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Villano III/Gran Hamada/Eddy Guerrero vs. Shu el Guerrero/Scorpio/Scorpio Jr

ohtani's jacket


Villano III/Gran Hamada/Eddy Guerrero vs. Shu el Guerrero/Scorpio/Scorpio Jr., Arena Neza, early 90s


With all the El Toreo shows taking place, I thought I'd do a little reminiscing of my own.


This was a fun fifteen minute match back when these guys could move a whole lot quicker. It started off as a non-descript rudo beatdown, but Villano got this inspired idea to beat everyone with a stick. He used the thing until it was just a handle and even swung it at the ref. I'm not a fan of guys using props, but I dug Villano as marshal, especially since he had a new mask on, with the old one flapping around his neck. As with most UWA guys, there's not a lot of footage of Villano III in his prime, but his fingerpints were all over this. The heat grew as a result of how pissed he was and that upped the tempo of the match. Suddenly they started having awesome exchanges. Shu was a fantastic bumper in his day and made Eddy look like a great lucha worker, taking rapidfire bumps off arm drags. Scorpio Sr. was a big guy at this point, as big as Shu in the past couple of years, and Gran Hamada bodyslammed him in yet another awesome spot. Junior was also a much better bumper in his younger days and so quick. He even looked like Fuerza at times. But in the thick of it all was Villano III, ripping away at Shu's mask and sending him crashing out of the ring in a great tailspin bump. There was another great spot where Scorpio Jr. tried to run away from Villano III on the outside, while Villano lay in wait.


Comedy spots, boxing, springboard dropkicks as your highspot... This was back when lucha was entertainment.


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