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Lizmark in AAA

ohtani's jacket


Satanico, Rambo y Fishman vs Villano III, Lizmark y Panterita del Ring


They only aired five minutes of this, but what was shown was pretty awesome.


Satanico was his usual maniacal self, ripping at Lizmark's mask and throwing in headbutts. When Lizmark rolled under the bottom rope, Satanico tried to reach through the ropes and grab him. I swear Satanico is the greatest improviser I've seen in wrestling. Not only does he follow-up on everything, but he's forever selling his obsession with that particular opponent. Later on, it was Lizmark who was obsessed, laying in the most awesome looking kicks and hitting perfect back breakers. He nailed some flush looking dropkicks and this was better than anything they did in their singles match. Hunched over Lizmark, ready to rip someone apart was an awesome visual. He was just about the best technico in AAA at this time, at least when it came to trios matches. His singles matches weren't that great, but he brought an old school vibe to tag matches.


Psicosis, Espectro Jr y Parka vs Rey Misterio Sr y Jr, y Lizmark


This was a good example of what I mean. I'm not gonna win any friends with this comment, but the Psicosis/Misterio Jr. exchanges in this match were pretty much the pre-cursor for the crap we see today. Lizmark and Espectro, on the other hand, had an awesome 80s style EMLL exchange that was one of the best mat exchanges I've seen in AAA.


The match itself was really good. It had a perfect rhythm for an AAA style match and they managed to work a number of dives and bumps onto the match without turning it into an AAA clusterfuck. It was a blend of comedy and big spills from the rudos. Nowdays all the rudos want to match it with technicos, but these guys sold big time, worked in the miscommunciation spots and didn't mind looking foolish in front of the crowd. Lizmark had a classic tope fake, which the rudos sold to comic perfection, and to me that's more spectacular than a slow-mo on some tricked out dive to nowhere. And they could flip the switch and get back to some serious brawling, whereas today's guys can't even brawl let alone bump in unison and wind up on their asses. The finish was really simple, but in lucha simple means beautiful. Misterio Sr. threw Psicosis over the top rope for an insane bump to the concrete, which Misterio Jr. followed up with a spectacular dive. Sr. went to the top rope for a plancha, and Lizmark won it in the ring like the classy technico that he was. I'd love to see today's technicos do a simple three part finish.


Satanico/Espectro/Psicosis vs Lizmark/Santo/Aguayo


This was a really good brawl that began with some great triple teaming from the rudos. Espectro was an original member of the Infernales and therefore the rudos worked that EMLL style that I favour so much. They cut each technico off from his partners and Satanico worked mano a mano with Perro Aguayo. Perro was pretty bad at this point, but he could still fire a crowd up and the technicos worked a great brawling comeback. Psicosis and Espectro were similar sorts of workers and had some awesome chemistry here. They must've bumped into each other a million times in the course of this match, and y'know, whenever Psicosis knuckled down, he was as good as any of the veteran rudos. It was a close call as to who was better between Santo and Lizmark. I tend to think that Santo dumbed his style down in AAA and mostly worked rope exchanges, but Santo was pretty fucking awesome at the flashy stuff. Lizmark mostly worked with Espectro and again their stuff was brilliant. The finish was a little weak, as it ended with Psicosis giving Santo a low blow, but on the replay you could see how the opportunity arose for Psicosis. It was too good to pass up and he just went for it.


I dunno if it was on account of Perro being incredibly slow, but Satanico looked past his prime here. He did some awesome selling, but the AAA style demanded pace, and as hard as Satanico charged at people, there's only so many miles you can clock.


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