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Negro Casas/Heavy Metal v. La Sombra/ Volador Jr.

ohtani's jacket


Negro Casas/Heavy Metal v. La Sombra/Volador Jr., CMLL World Tag Team Championship, 2/13/09


Negro Casas and Heavy Metal made a great team here.


Heavy Metal's a guy I never liked watching in AAA. In fact, if there's a hell below, the only lucha I'll find is Heavy Metal vs. Jerry Estrada on an endless loop. Yet somewhere along the way he's developed into a real asskicker. He still looks like he's on something, but I liked how he carried himself here. I guess it was a combination of the short hair, tattoos and the way he avoided looking his opponents in the eyes. He was staring a hole in something, but hardly ever looked up. That was the sort of intensity the Casas brothers brought to the match and I enjoyed the opening exchanges. Heavy Metal was fierce with his grappling. He hung on for a second or two before making his move, which is one of the basic elements missing from lucha today. And he'd pause ever so slightly before wrenching a hold or throwing a punch, just to give it that extra effect.


So from the Casas brothers' side it was quite a kick ass little match, but there was still the problem of Sombra and Voldor sucking. All they really did in this match was dives and springboard moves, and while the set-up was better than usual and the Casas brothers sold well, the technicos were as weak as ever. The match rocketed along at a fair clip and some of the dives were genuinely exciting, as was Casas' awesome selling at the end, but fuck those masks looked ridiculous. The rudos completely outclassed the technicos, which rudos shouldn't do, and it wasn't much in the way of a carry. It was more like two great workers imposing their will on two shit workers.


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