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The Wrestling Dregs



I'm thirty years old and I have a crush on AJ Lee. :lol: I now use an avatar of her on both DVDVR and here. I have no shame!




WWE Survivor Series was entertaining. No complaints. RAW the following night, however, not so much. Which this time of the year that is not usually a problem as I can just change the TV over to Monday Night Football. However that was the Patriots at home against the Chiefs, so it was a shit-kicking.


As a whole, this is as least interested in professional wrestling as I can remember ever being. WWE, sans Survivor Series, is for the most part, just coasting. There is not an attention grabbing story; nothing enthralling to pull me in. Ring of Honor, to me, is unwatchable. So is TNA. I never got into Chikara either. I'm not a fan of Lucha and Puro has been down quality wise recently (unless there's something I'm missing, maybe Ditch can alert me to it). I have watched almost every SMASH show and although I enjoy it, I wouldn't necessarily say that it is good. It's just different, and I like Kana quite a bit. She's really talented.


I want to start following you guys on Twitter, if any of you have an account there. I like hearing about pro-wrestling talk, but following actual wrestlers results in a lot of advertising and other dumb shit I don't care about that is usually not related to wrestling. So feel free to leave a comment with your Twitter URL, or post it in the "Comments" thread because I asked over there too.


The more shows that I watch this year, the more content I feel voting for Dolph Ziggler for Wrestler-of-the-Year. From an in-ring perspective, from what I have seen, I think he wins it hands down. It's that stupid "drawing" part that makes it a tough sell. I am sure as Hell not going to vote for John Cena's boring ass though. I feel like this year, more so than most years, I have watched A LOT of professional wrestling, from all over the world. I need to start participating in the "projects" because that seems like a lot of fun and really appeals to me. It would be nice to "take a break" (so to speak) from current stuff. It was recommended to me as some friendly advice in a thread here (I can't remember by who, I'm sorry) and I took it heart. That's a good idea and it might help rejuvenate my interest as a fan. I hardly ever buy wrestling DVDs but I am a fan of Goodhelmet, and he has been kind to me in the past. So I'll see what I can do and what my friends are interested in. We were watching Misty's stream on Justin.TV where a lot of Mid-South & old school NWA was shown, but that doesn't appear to exist anymore. I need to get all the old AJPW early 90's classics on DVD, as VHS is a dead format. Plus, lately, I have really gotten into both "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and Stan "The Lariat" Hansen so I want some of their work, to go along with Kawada, Misawa & Kobashi, with an occasional Vader thrown in, so that's what I will be looking into. I have never liked Taue and I'm indifferent on Akiyama. Although the best tag match I have ever seen has Taue in it...


For some newer Puro, are there any good Satoshi Kojima or Hiroshi Tanahashi matches?




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