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A(nother) Rant in Reply





This was a reply that I made, amongst friends, in reply to the Summerslam HBK Vs. Razor ladder match which was posted in the "Match-Of-The-Week" group that I'm apart of on Facebook. I just wanted to re-post it here so that I can save it for later:


"The first thing that really grabs me about this match is that the midcard was fucking over. This is for the Intercontinental Title...but it was obvious that they were both going to keep climbing up the ladder of success. In that regard, the damn ladder is almost a metaphor. I mean the actual ladder, in this match.


You look at the "stars" of today, like look at the midcard. No one means shit! The Miz was the WWE Champion and in the main event of last years Wrestlemania going over the biggest babyface in the company to retain the title...and no one gave a fuck. He was still looked at like a jobber. Now he's floundering in the midcard next to the likes of people like Kofi Kingston and Sheamus.


Who is going to be this generations Shawn and Razor? The midcarders that are sure fit potential future main-eventers and title holders? The only guys that I think even have the possibility of being stars are Sheamus, Barrett and Cody Rhodes...and Barrett isn't that good and Sheamus already was WWE champion and no one gave a shit.


What does it say about WWE when their biggest flagship PPV of the year rolls around and they don't trust their roster to sell tickets? Instead, they bring back The Rock to slap in the main event. They bring back Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker & Triple H...and they build the entire show around all of the veterans. WWE doesn't even have faith in their guys, so why should we as fans care about any of them?


When I was growing up, the damn midcard mattered...but it's not just nostalgia. It's respect, and a lot of other factors, like talent. When Piper, Duggan, Roberts, The Dragon, DiBiase Sr. or any of the old school guys come out, Slaughter, people remember them and pop for them. Yet when they try to bring back midcarders from the Attitude Era, no one even knows who the fuck they are. Trish Stratus didn't even get a pop. Brian Christopher was completely shit on (as he should have been). The future is going to be even worse. Can you imagine years down the road, if The Miz makes a surprise return/guest appearance? It'll be fuckin' crickets. But if HBK or Razor show up? Totally banana.


If nothing else, it just pisses me off. There's no emotion, there's no passion. There's no one waiting in the weeds to take someones spot, or a rival promotion threatening to steal your talent. It's a bunch of complacent fucks that think they're over enough and just content getting paid and not getting hurt. Blame it on WWE going public, or TV-PG, or whatever you want, but it's fucking terrible.


John, Chad & I talked about this a little last night because I can see it happening to Dolph Ziggler. Here's a guy that got a shot, albeit a bad one, as a nobody in the Spirit Squad. He obviously didn't stand out, but he played his role and did was he was told. Got some TV time, some experience and whatnot then was sent back to OVW to be repackaged. They call him back up and from the get-go he's fucked again with a terrible name and another terrible gimmick, where he just sits around backstage and shakes peoples hands while introducing himself. Despite the slop, he sticks with it, busts his ass and manages to get over and be a pretty damn good heel. He was the highlight of several shows even just last year, working double-duty sometimes, and always being a damn good bumper.


Look at Dolph Ziggler today. Do you see what I see? I see a mother-fucker with all the potential in the world that has stopped trying as hard as he used to because he knows WWE isn't going to give him a fair and legitimate shot. He's not trying to change his game up, he's not trying to better his persona, or work on his promo skills, or try new shit. He's now Kofi Kingston. Kofi did the same thing. Remember the fuckin' pop Kofi got when they teased him being a top babyface against heel Randy Orton? When he took out Orton's car? Then WWE stopped trying with him and it just killed all of Kofi's motivation and momentum.


Dolph Ziggler has now lost clean, four straight weeks in a row. Their idea of building him up for the Royal Rumble was to get cheap-ass, half-ass "victories" over C.M. Punk only for Punk to beat him about three different times in the one Rumble match. It completely killed Dolph and I don't think it's lost on Dolph or WWE. Now he just doesn't give a fuck. It's sad and WWE do it all the goddamn time. They didn't do that shit with Razor Ramon, or HBK or Bret Hart...and what happened? Bret & Shawn went on to be main eventers that were WWE champions and headlines Wrestlemanias, Razor went on to be one of the biggest things ever in WCW in the most recognizable faction of all-time sans the 4 Horsemen.


It's not rocket science, people! Why does WWE shoot themselves in the foot and then wonder why they're limping? The midcard is bland because it's all overproduced with mediocre talent and everything feels fabricated. Nothing is natural. The matches are average, the promos are scripted, the stories are cheesy...nothing feels natural. It's fuckin' CORNY.


I could rant about this shit all day because it really does piss me off. I've been watching WWE (then WWF) for literally over twenty years...and now this is what I'm "rewarded" with for being a lifelong fan? I go from Rick Rude and Mr. Perfect to The Miz and Santino. I go from Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior to John Cena and Randy Orton. It's a fucking joke. It's not about nostalgia, or rose-colored glasses. If that were true, why are they bringing back The Rock and putting him in the main event of Wrestlemania against the biggest babyface in the company and announcing it a year before it happens? It's because they know their roster is fucking terrible and they don't even have faith that within an ENTIRE YEAR that they could build someone up for Wrestlemania. So instead, they just said "fuck it" and brought back The Rock."


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