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Personal note/Tune in, Tune Out.



I wanted to make a quick post to say that going over 2008 and 2009 is going to be a first time run with the material and I really am looking forward to it. The last PPV I ordered and watched was 2008's WrestleMania 24 and the last PPV's I watched in any fashion was a semi-reliable stream of WrestleMania 25 and then the top three matches from this year's Mania show.


Beyond that and probably 2% of television I've seen nothing since WrestleMania 24. I did "come back" a few times, but they were all short lived:


I came back for the 1/4/2010 TNA/WWE head to head, but tuned out by 1/5/2010


I came back for the June 2010 Nexus destruction, but tuned back out when Danielson was released.


I came back after the June 2011 "Punk Promo", but tuned back out by August 2011.


I came back for the "It Begins" vignettes of December 2011/January 2012, but tuned back out by February 2012 not caring about "trolling Jericho"


Right now, I love the Wyatt family vignettes, but I know none of that greatness will transfer over into the ring. Gimmicks like that don't do well out of their environment.


So I'll probably stick to watching the "old stuff" and scan the message boards for the next thing causing a ruckus and go Youtube it.


Enough ranting ... off to watch TNA Final Resolution 2008 (January edition ... yes TNA has two PPV's the same year with the same name, lol.)





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