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G. Badger


Continuation of day #2 of the 2010 16 Carat Gold show:


Johnny Kidd vs Paul Tracey: This a non tournament match in the classic UK style. I wasn't really in the mood for this I hate to say. So, I skipped. Sorry but, it's not the style I'm geared up for when watching wXw.


Oberhausen Terror Corps (Bad Bones & Carnage) vs Strong BJW (Sekimoto vs Okabayashi): This is what I'm watching for and exactly what I wanted especially at this point on the card. Highly recommended match BUT one thing needs to be said. The action was great yet, the character dynamics confused me. From an observational standpoint, OTC are heels. Bones comes out with an axe, their names are Bad Bones, Carnage, and collectively Oberhausen Terror Corps. That's heel as it gets. So, BJW are then de-facto faces, right? They are the lauded high profile guests coming in to work the tourney.


The "thing" is that Strong BJ wrestled this like heels by controlling the Terror Corps with simple moves & quick tags. Carnage even made the hot tag to Bad Bones and they started busting out swanky moves and showing all kinds of gutz.


I watched the first 2/3rd of the match one day and was nonplussed. It didn't quite sit well with me. It seemed OK but, again something seemed off. Now, this time around I noticed this quirk about the face/heel dynamics and it made much more sense.


Treat the native OTC as babyfaces who just act like heels. Sure they're intimidating and look like they're going to jack some Fred Durst looking fan up but, they're just some tough dudes. They're the home team, the native team, and Sekimoto & Okabayashi probably told them to work like this (perhaps). So, the Japanese are not heels perse but, let's say they're the tough veteran team who are going to teach the youngsters a lesson. So, with this mindset, things run much smoother. This is one of the longer matches thus far but, with that narrative creation, this was totally sweet.


Ares vs Claudio Castagnoli: Tournament match. Wikipedia will tell ya that these guys are friends, countrymen and old tag partners. Lots of history especially in wXw. They were the first tag team champs back in 2001. This begins with some lighthearted comedy wrestling...I tune in and out as I wrote the above tag match's notes in my notebook. However, this picks up into a pretty darn good match. Now, my DVD had a technical hiccup that froze the match but, I worked around to see the last few minutes. I think I only probably missed like 30 seconds but, I wanted to say that. Nonetheless, very good match that I'd recommend to fans of either guy. They are booking this tournament and individual shows really well.


And I thought that was the end of Night #2 as it certainly felt like it could have been BUT there's a 3rd disc! Christopher J. Hero vs Martin Stone and Absolute Andy vs Steve Douglas (coming off his loss to Abe "the President" Lincoln) in a No DQ title match. Nice! Hopefully, I'll be able to watch those soon and share :)


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