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The 2010's: Apache Army, AJPW & ROH

G. Badger


Procrastination got the better of me regarding the final 2 matches of Day #2 of the 16 Carat Gold Tournament but, here are a few nice matches from the 2010's that are totally worth watching instead!


Masato Tanaka vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda (01/28/11 Apache Army): I'm surprised that this FMW offshoot is still in operation in 2011. Here we get former partners & rivals squaring off again. Kuroda is a dude that doesn't get a ton of talk but, I think he's really damn solid. Really surprised he did not end up in Zero-1 or even NOAH after FMW folded. This match is probably just a nostalgia match but, damn it delivered! I'm not going to fool anyone and say it had any selling but, for 15 minutes, it was a blast. They ran through their moves with the best of today's star...elbows from Tanaka were my favorites. Fun ass match and recommended to fans of either.


Kento Miyahara vs Super Tiger II (04/18/16 AJPW): A feeling out process with referee Wada getting involved when Miyahara won't release the hold in the corner which starts up the body of the match. This was a nice touch.


Tiger is focused on Kento's arm with kicks and some great looking armbars. This was a short match so there was no drawn out selling intended, Tiger was just going for the kill. Kento fought back with his kicks and knees and this turned out to be a intense match with good strikes and suplexes in the end. Highly recommended match.


Motor City Machine Guns vs The Briscoes - ROH Tag Team Championship (03/09/18 ROH): Tag team title match from the 16th Anniversary Show. Woo doggie! This was a mad rush. Holy moley the Guns still got it! The Briscoes eh..I'm not sure what their gimmick is anymore. They had a bunch of grease paint on and looked all crazy. I really don't remember too much of what they did. It was all spots and fun to watch. I wouldn't say this was the greatest match these teams have had but, damn its 2018 and these guys can still go.


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