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Mini Classic #3

ohtani's jacket


Cicloncito Ramirez vs Damiancito El Guerrero, CMLL 1/7/97


Another great match. Best three match stretch I've had in ages.


This was a beautiful display of lucha libre. Maybe not as exciting as the first two matches, but definitely one for the afficionardos. Everyone's got their own ideas about what great lucha is, I suppose, but we're all searching for it. When I first saw Atlantis/Blue Panther, I wanted to see more of the same. Problem is, great lucha is hard to find. So when you find a match like Cicloncito/Damiancito; a match as good as any you've seen, you're almost glad they're not a dime a dozen.


And that was the greatest fuck-up of a victory celebration ever. And he sold it too. Awesome.




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