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Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly: Enter the reDRagon - Part 2

G. Badger


Now we're back on track to the proper reDRagon retrospective. This would now be Chapter 3 in the ROH DVD set. It's the most substantial one. So, let's just jump in!

vs The Briscoes (11th Anniversary show): The tag straps is on the line boy! That's my Briscoe impersonation. You try now. It was fun right? That's something the Sandy Fork brothers have that most ROH wrestlers lack- a good character & gimmick. Everyone at this point in time is a "great" or "phenomenal" athlete but, shallow in the personality department. The reDragon (is that plural?) are kind of inching towards one but, Mark & Jay are the men when it comes to personas. That brings so much fun, intensity, and overall interest to the match. So, here we have the cocky MMAthletes vs the rough & tumble rednecks. That elevates a very good match with good action and fun teamwork to a near classic match. There's something to sink your teeth into in terms of a story or purpose...and that makes all of the difference.

We get a promo that helps develop Bobby and especially Kyle over as cocky better-than-you asshole heels. I like it!

vs American Wolves (Super Card of Honor XXXVI no I'm kidding...it's VII (7)): This had moments of brilliance and moments of absolute 2010's tandem move bullshit. Make it look like wrestling and not Icecapades dudes! ('member Icecapades?). This stuff can work in a comedy setting but, it just doesn't work when these guys are supposed to be all badasses (contantly mentioning Eddie & Bobby in NOAH reinforces that). Seriously, give me NOAH-style because this really is too cute by comparison. This is a preference and perhaps the biggest letdown. They could have put on brutal battles like Davey & KENTA vs Aries & Strong from late 2006. The components are there but, this really felt like a long TV match. So, its not truly bad or even a hard definitive negative, just don't expect these to be classics. That being said, this was a highly enjoyable fight and totally, totally worth a watch and probably a great match all said and done. It's just this is a mainly Puro blog so I use that as my measuring stick. And seeing how Davey, Bobby, and Eddie had been in NOAH, I see no reason they couldn't have done a NOAH level tag match but, I'm not the one taking chops and kicks... :) So let's say a great modern ROH tag match. That might be reasonable...

vs the Briscoes (Dragon's Reign 05/11/13): B-show sweetness! This  show is probably available for sale still. It's gotten some recommendations back in the day and based off this match, I can agree. We get a classic tag dynamic here with the heel DRagons targeting the ROH champ Jay Briscoe. They do some very nice work on his arm and Jay is selling it. You want that goofy madman Mark in there to bail his bro out.  His Redneck kung fu is goofy but, fun and is really a red herring for his high impact offense which still pleases me to this day. Sure, it's not a shooting star press off a lighting rig but, I know that bastard's got it in him! And the element of unpredictable danger means a lot! That being said, this doesn't hit A-show top gear but, this was a great all around match and perhaps another near classic for the two teams. It's clear to me that Fish and O' Reilly work best with the tag vet Briscoes.

Whew! That was a very good chunk of wrestling. Next round, I'll interrupt Chapter 3 to look at the very underrated Honor in the Heart of Texas show from 2013. The reDragons have some singles matches but, those are only filler between some truly awesome match-ups like Roddy vs Adam Cole. Seeya then :P 

Thanks for reading!


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