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[2005-11-03-TNA-Impact] A.J. Styles & Austin Aries & Sonjay Dutt vs Christopher Daniels & Samoa Joe & Alex Shelley


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This is probably one of the best televised matches all year, as Raw was more promo-heavy than usual (which is saying something) this year and Smackdown wasn't quite the wrestling show that it would become in 2006. This is a "moves" match, but there was a purpose for it being one as it was TNA's first prime time show ever, and thus more people would be watching so it's smart to have an exhibition match to show off the innovative offense of these wrestlers, so they can know what to expect every Saturday night and one Sunday a month. And for a match full of high spots, it's still very well paced and contains a story (which is to be expected with great workers in the match), as Joe wasn't on the same page as his partners (it makes sense for his character to only care about the X Division title and not care about heel/face alignment one bit), which subtly builds Daniels' face turn after Genesis. The face team wins with AJ hitting the Styles Clash on Shelley (smart booking as the top face gets the pin, Daniels is protected, and Joe remains undefeated). This match is overshadowed by stuff like Joe/Daniels on the first Thursday Impact (which was also amazing) but is well worth a watch (it's online in case you don't remember it well).


**** (the exact same rating as Meltzer, but it was action packed and accomplished everything it was supposed to)

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