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[1992-05-23-UWA] Andre the Giant & El Canek & Villano III vs Buffalo Allen & The Great Kokina & Black Scorpio

Viking Hall

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Seemingly Andre's last taped match in Mexico before he would have what would become his final matches in All-Japan the following month. Andre, as is to be expected is not in good shape here and keeps his work down to a minimum, just doing the occasional spot and holding off opponents for his teammates El Canek and Villano III and while it's very obvious that his in-ring days are numbered he still gets a great response from the crowd which is nice to hear. El Canek and Villano do a great job of playing the faces in peril against the impressive team of the ageing but still brilliant Buffalo (Bad News) Allen, the gigantic Great Kokina and a masked Black Scorpio who come together to form a formidable trio and pull of some cool stuff especially with Scorpio. Kokina is already showing all of the traits that would get him signed to the WWF later that year and bumps around the ring like a man half his size and proving that for a small window he was certainly in contention for being one of the best Super Heavyweights to ever step through the ropes. Scorpio is also decades ahead of the curev and stands out here as being one of the true talents of the match, busting out moves and spots that wouldn't become commonplace until the early 2000's, really coming into his own when going one on one with the two Luchadors. All in all the match is a chaotic affair with a slightly hokey finish, but a nice little slice of history for a variety of reasons. Not a classic, but interesting nonetheless.

*It should be noted that this thankfully isn't the infamous Andre/Bad News accident match, that was untelevised and presumably came after this one since Bad News seemed to think it was the last time he saw Andre alive. 

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [1992-05-23-UWA] Andre the Giant & El Canek & Villano III vs Buffalo Allen & The Great Kokina & Black Scorpio

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