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[2019-08-08-wXw-AMBITION 11] Daniel Makabe vs Timothy Thatcher


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Thatcher gets a takedown early and goes for a choke. Makabe goes after the leg. Thatcher mounts him and throws some slaps. Makabe moves into the guard. Thatcher grabs a hammerlock but there’s a rope break. They’re on their feet and Thatcher goes for a cross armbreaker and get it but Makabe escapes and works the leg. They have a rope-break and then start trading uppercuts. Thatcher applies a leglock. Makabe grabs him and they battle for position. Thatcher headbutts Makabe in the back. Thatcher gives him a gutwrench suplex then gets his back and throws elbows. Thatcher tries a choke but Makabe transitions into a cross armbreaker. Thatcher gets a single-leg crab and Makabe counters into a cross armbreaker and they get the ropes. Thatcher hits an enzuiguri. Makabe does a single-leg crab into an STF. Thatcher moves into a Fujwara armbar and they’re in the ropes. Makabe throws two dropkicks and Thatcher hits him with an enzuiguri. The referee counts and Makabe gets up. Thatcher slaps him down and there is another count. Makabe gets up but is struck down for a technical knock-out win by Thatcher. This was the fourth match between the two (first in WXW) and was tremendous.

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