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[2001-01-02-BJW] Shadow WX & Ryuji Yamakawa & Kintaro Kanemura vs Zandig & Rockin' Rebel & Jun Kasai


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CZW vs BJW explodes!!!! Zandig lets us know where he stand with a nice FUCK BJW shirt.  Rebel still has the massive mullet. We start with CZW having a 3 on 2 advantage against Yamakawa and WX. Match is a pretty typical schmozz but the CZW crew really takes over in the back quarter and shockingly Kasai pins Yamakawa in 7 minutes after a big splash. *1/2


Lights go out and Kintaro emerges to a big pop and he cuts a promo and the six man is on. A staple gun is suspended from the ceiling and once CZW gains the advantage, Zandig retrieves that.  He then staples a CZW flier onto Kanemura. Some of the ladder spots were fun but overall this felt pretty garden variety house style death match brawl to me. Pretty quick comeback for the BJW guys and Yamakawa gets his revenge pinning Kasai this time. Overall, not a promising looking feud based on what we saw here. Not knowing the context of the promos hurts the investment that Zandig does have in the US with the crowds. Rebel is worthless and the BJW contingent doesn’t look to interested even with Kanemura coming out all fired up. **

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  • soup23 changed the title to [2001-01-02-BJW] Shadow WX & Ryuji Yamakawa & Kintaro Kanemura vs Zandig & Rockin' Rebel & Jun Kasai

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