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[2001-02-08-WWF-Smackdown] Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn vs Matt & Jeff Hardy


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Jeff is back after missing Monday night due to injury.  A Hardyz match means yet more dirty old man Lawler.  After the two teams make their entrances Dean Malenko’s music plays which distracts the brothers and the Radicalz jump them from behind.  Lita looks visibly upset by Malenko’s appearance, no doubt as he’s more interested in watching her as opposed to the actual match.  Matt with a blind tag and he takes Saturn’s head off with a clothesline.  Legdrop off the middle, Benoit breaking up the pinfall with an elbow to the back of the neck.  Gut wrench on ‘the Crippler’.  Terri hooks Matt’s ankle from the floor enabling Benoit to capitalise on the distraction.  Double team backbreaker/top rope knee drop combination.  Saturn puts Matt upside down over his shoulder and runs him into the corner.  Diving headbutt by Benoit.  Yuck, Lawler returns to lusting over Lita, talking about her thong.  After being sat on the top turnbuckle, Matt fires away at Saturn with some back elbows then takes him out with a moonsault press.  ‘The Crippler’ tries to cut off the tag but Matt makes it anyway.  Jeff’s the requisite house of fire; swinging headscissors, spinning heel kicks, the Whisper in the Wind.  Matt’s got his second wind and the Hardys hit a double flapjack on Saturn.  Twist of Fate on Benoit.  Jeff lands the senton and it looks the brothers are about to pull off a big win when Terri’s on the apron distracting the referee.  Lita grabs Terri and in turn Malenko grabs Lita.  Matt comes to Lita’s aid and before too long there’s a kerfuffle on the floor, Jeff running along the barricades to join in.  Malenko throws Jeff into the ring post and then tosses him back inside, Benoit, the only person who hadn’t joined in, waiting.  Crippler crossface is applied and Jeff taps, Terri ultimately saving the Radicalz big time.  Good match.

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