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[2001-02-12-WCW-Nitro] Yang vs Lash LaRoux


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Another qualifier for the six-man Cruiserweight elimination match at Superbrawl.  Yang starts out by throwing some karate kicks, Lash hiding behind the referee as they’re treated as comedy.  Now the crane!  Lash catches the kick but Yang blasts him with an enzuigiri.  Running crossbody sees both men go over the top to the outside.  We’re reminded that Shannon Moore and Kaz Hayashi have already qualified, the remaining men will be decided tonight and on Thunder.  Superbrawl is only six days away so I hope they’ve got this planned out.  Belly to back by Lash after Yang had blown something.  An eye poke staggers Lash who backs into the corner.  Yang runs at him and goes to back flip off his chest but ends up falling backwards to the mat instead .  He tosses Lash to the outside and connects on the pescado.  Asai moonsault.  Back inside Lash catches him on the tip up and turns it into a running powerslam.  Slingshot lariat for a two.  Some sort of weird rotating powerslam.  Perfect reverse tornado DDT by Yang that started out looking like it was going to be a reverse crossbody.  Lash nails him with a dropkick.  Pumphandle into a sit-out powerbomb.  Yang kicks out of the Whiplash which gets a polite ripple.  Lash with a stunner.  Springboard moonsault out the corner by Yang, kicking Lash in the face in the process.  Forward roll slam followed by the corkscrew moonsault (not yet called Yang Time I don’t think) and Yang is participant number three for Superbrawl.

Very spotty with several blown spots while both looked green in there.  Yang clearly still has some way to go, although he is absolutely the right person to progress to the PPV.  He’s by far the more spectacular of the two and in a multi person match he can be hid, do his stuff and then return to anonymity until his next spot.  There was no hiding place here.

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