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[2001-02-12-WWF-Raw] Chris Jericho vs Eddy Guerrero


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Eddy was put out of action by Jericho and tonight he gets the chance for some revenge.  A back elbow smash drops Y2J and he just unloads with punches.  There’s always an intense physicality when guys like these two, Benoit etc. work with each other.  Belly to back suplex followed by a keylock submission.  Jim Ross thinks that Eddy’s luck took a turn for the worse after screwing up his relationship with Chyna, almost like what happened to him was karma.  He’s too slow climbing the turnbuckles and Jericho hits a suicideplex.  Flying forearm.  Bulldog, but Eddy was paying attention on Smackdown and gets his knees up on the Lionsault.  Jericho reverses the attempted huracanrana into the Walls, when out sprints X-Pac who nails him from behind for the DQ.  Pac gives him the ‘X-Factor’ screaming about how he put him out for three months.  So that’s two of them then.

It didn’t really have the time to get going, but what we saw was the usual good stuff out of these two.

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