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[2001-02-26-WWF-Raw] Chris Benoit & Eddy Guerrero vs X-Pac & Justin Credible


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The Radicalz are preparing in their dressing room although there is no sign of Eddy Guerrero.  He turns up late and ‘the Crippler’ wonders where he’s been.  Eddy tells him to get out of his face, tensions still hot from last night.  Saturn plays peacemaker but Eddy is pissed that Benoit, “his brother”, let a title get between them.  They’re about to go at it in the locker room when the calming voice of Dean Malenko interjects.   He says that whatever happened last night let it stay there as it was every man for himself.  Benoit offers Eddy the option of going to the ring and doing what they do best or staying here and kicking the crap out of each other.  It looks like calmer heads have prevailed as Eddy offers his hands and they head off to the ring for the upcoming tag team bout.

Eddy starts out hot but Credible reverses their positions and hammers him down in the corner.  Swinging DDT.  There’s a bit of hesitation on Eddy’s part when making the first tag so things still aren’t all hunky dory.  Credible ducks the swinging right and lands a Northern Lights.  Benoit takes Pac down looking for the crossface and Credible is in fast to save is partner.  The Radicalz are showing a bit more unity now after the initial reluctance as they try to put Pac away.  Bodyslam/slingshot senton combination.  Pac takes Eddy’s head off with a spin kick.  He misses the bronco buster and Eddy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.  The backdrop is telegraphed, Pac with an up kick and a shot for ‘the Crippler’ on the apron too.  Double superkick to Eddy.  Benoit drops an elbow to the back of Pac’s head to break up the cover and then nails Credible on the opposition apron before dragging Eddy over to their corner so he can make a tag.  This great suplex where he suplexes Credible onto a laid out X-Pac.  Rolling Germans.  Pac pulls his partner out the way of the diving headbutt and a quick half nelson rolling cradle gets them the win.  Eddy and Benoit stare a hole through each other after the match, leaving separately, the Radicalz a step closer to falling apart. 

I thought both Eddy and Benoit looked real good here.

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