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[2001-04-07-NWA Wildside-TV] Onyx vs Eddie Golden


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Golden jumps Onyx from behind as he’s greeting the fans on his entrance.  Onyx is paying the price for getting on the wrong side of Jeff G. Bailey, someone who is already in a “salty” mood due to Al Getz being back on the scene.  A dropkick sends Golden the floor where he looks to get some advice, and possibly a new game plan, from Jeff G.  He drags Onyx out with him, however Onyx ducks his shots, slugs Bailey and then gives the pair a noggin knocker.  As they return to the ring Onyx telegraphs a backdrop and Golden lands an elbow to the back of the neck.  Did we ever find out if he was related to the Welch/Fuller/Golden family?  The commentators are back at it with that again.  Golden distracts the referee to Bailey can choke him over the middle rope.  Discus lariat.  He heads upstairs but jumps into a raised Onyx boot.  Onyx is on the charge and as he hits his Black Out implant DDT finisher, Bailey signals for some help from the dressing room.  Suicidal Tendencies, Adam Jacobs and John Phoenix rush out, attacking Onyx for the DQ.  A number of lower card wrestlers/trainees try to make the save but they’re being kept at bay by the Cole twins who’re keeping guard.  450 splash by Phoenix.  Wow, through the crowd comes a returning A.J. Styles just as the show goes off the air.

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