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[2001-05-04-NWA Southwest-TV] Hotstuff Hernandez vs Rudy Boy Gonzalez


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I found a few reviews I never got around to posting when tidying up some files.  There was one previous retirement from the project when I thought it was dead, this time I really am done.

There’s a slight bit of hesitancy before Hotstuff hiptosses Rudy.  He clotheslines him to the outside and then launches himself at him with an over-the-top rope tope that had some serious hang time.  Rudy gets the jump when he’s thrown back inside and from there works Hotstuff over.  Wow, I was not expecting a Tarantula out of him that’s for sure!  Hotstuff fires back with some knife edge chops and a low dropkick takes Rudy down.  One handed slam.  He drops an elbow but it looks like he may have hurt himself.  Rudy stops him in his tracks with a thrust kick and then sits on a rear chinlock before throwing Hotstuff to the floor where he whips him into the metal guard rail.  In a turnaround from earlier in the match, this time it’s Hotstuff getting the jump on Rudy after he’s thrown into the ring.  Big running splash in the corner.  Irish whip is reversed and the ref gets bumped when Rudy crashes into him.  Hotstuff with a spear.  He climbs to the top rope, slowly, almost as if he’s waiting for someone.  And he was, Kevin Northcutt running down and pulling out a leg.  Superplex by Rudy.  Gonzales then grabs a chair that Northcutt had left on the apron, KO’s Hernandez with it and the ref comes around to count the three.  The two aren’t finished, double teaming Hotstuff after the match.

Hernandez looked green in places, but his athletic stuff, like that tope, always catches you off guard.  Action was fine, nothing mind blowing really, bar the tope and tarantula, and Rudy is seasoned enough to lead Hotstuff effortlessly through this.

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