GSR Posted June 7, 2021 Report Share Posted June 7, 2021 Smoky Mountain Wrestling TV Aired June 18, 1994 Loudon High School, Loudon, TN The Thrillseekers vs Larry Santo & Chris Hamrick - Well Dunn join them on commentary for this INT: The Thrillseekers & Well Dunn - Lance Storm says that they are fed up of Well Dunn’s continued complaining and all the excuses about why they lose a few matches saying how they cheat. They have had an idea and Chris Jericho challenges them to a ‘Penalty Box’ match, where if anyone breaks the rules they get put in the ‘Penalty Box’ outside the ring for two minutes. Well Dunn accepts and the matches are set for the Summerblast tour. INT: Rock & Roll Express - Ricky Morton says that all week he and Robert have been thinking about what they did to Tammy Fytch last week and it’s not really the way you should treat a lady. To make up for it they’ve bought this present for her (they have a large box which is all wrapped up with them) and he knows that she probably doesn’t want to come out and collect it after what did happen, but they’ll leave it here for her just in case she does. Recap of the Rock & Roll Express pouring dirt over Tammy Fytch from last week INT: Tammy Fytch & Brian Lee & Chris Candido - Brian has now dyed his hair brown for the Undertaker angle in the WWF. Tammy is rather excited as there’s nothing she loves more than receiving presents and believes that the Rock & Roll Express must have come to their senses. They must have realised how much they do actually love her and what a wonderful girl she is! She thinks it might be a television or a microwave, but Candido and Lee tell her to be careful after what they did to her last week. As Fytch starts to open it, Bambi pops out of the box, grabs Tammy and starts shaking her (you would have thought she would have learned her lesson after last week). Lee and Candido free her from Bambi’s grasp before the Rock & Roll Express are out to make sure that they don’t attack her. Morton says that every time they wrestle Chris Candido and Brian Lee it seems like Tammy Fytch sticks her nose in the ring. If she wants to get in the ring so bad, now that they’ve got Bambi in their corner, they’re going to have themselves some six-person tags. Recap of Jake Roberts DDT’ing the Dirty White Girl from Volunteer Slam INT: Tony Anthony - he’s out in the countryside sat down leaning against a tree. Whenever he gets problems or has to think things through, here is where he comes as it is peaceful, quiet, no-one can bother you and you can just sit and think. He’s been doing a lot of thinking, as right now he has a lot of problems that go by the name of Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts. Never has he ever begged anyone for anything, but he begged Jake Roberts at the Volunteer Slam to DDT him and not his wife, but like a snake he went ahead and did it anyway. The White Girl is going to get better, but Jake took his self-respect and he can no longer look his wife in the eyes. He’s been sat outside thinking for the best part of a day when he heard something, looked down and saw a black snake come crawling by. If you don’t go head on at a snake the snake won’t bite you, but if you attack that snake or go head on at it, it’s either going to bite you or slither away. That’s when everything started to come clear to him. Jake likes to play mind games, so let’s start playing mind games. He watched that snake for a while, eased up from behind on it, reached down and then grabbed it right behind the head. He had the snake and it couldn’t do anything, it was at his mercy. The only way he’s going to get his self-esteem back, be able to hold his head up high and face his wife is by playing games, he’s going to have to start acting like a snake. From this point on Jake better be ready, because if he wants to play games, he’ll play games. INT: Jake Roberts - Bob Caudle can’t believe a giant of a man in the world of pro wrestling would DDT a little lady like the Dirty White Girl. Jake says that once you step in the ring you’re fair game and the only person that’s safe in that ring is the referee. He’s heard “Tony” say he’ll pay his game, but if it’s a battle of wits he’d be fighting an unarmed man as when it comes to turning screws on someone or putting a gun to their head, that’s exactly what he’ll do. When you are born into this life you have a decision to make right off the bat, do you want to walk with the man that gave us the book or do you want to run with the devil? Everybody says if you follow the man with the book you have eternal life, but when you run with the devil its instant gratification. You get what you want when you want it, but when you choose to run with the devil you’ve got to be ready to take that extra step no matter when it is or what it is. You’ve got to stay one up on the game, you’ve got be willing to sacrifice anything just to play the game with someone else’s mind. Jake then takes off his bandana to reveal a shaven head (the result of losing a ‘Hair vs Hair’ match to Konnan in AAA) and says that’s just an example of how far he’ll go to mess with someone’s mind. His hair has gone and whilst the Dirty White Boy’s hair has almost gone, he’ll take the rest of it and if he’s already done what he did to his wife, what will he do to him? If he wants to come play games, come play with the snake, but be careful because you will get bit. The Dirty White Boy interview was phenomenal with him finally coming to the realisation what he needs to do to get the better of Jake. Jake Roberts vs James Atkins - after the match Jake motions for someone to come down to ringside and Kendo the Samurai comes out carrying a bag. Jake tried to get him to give him the bag but he won’t, when out comes Tony Anthony who puts his arm around Kendo. Jake’s unnerved and uncertain about what’s going on and heads back to the dressing room where he finds the ‘real’ Kendo the Samurai tied up back there. Jake frees him and the two of them return to the ring, but come out on the short end against the White Boy and fake Kendo. INT: Tony Anthony & Fake Kendo the Samurai - the Dirty White Boy says let the games begin. Jake the Snake wanted him at 100%, “no excuses,” and he takes off his eye patch to reveal that he is at 100% and he doesn’t need it anymore. At Summerblast they’ve got a cage match, nobody can get in, there’s no running, no hiding, he owes Jake something and he plans on collecting. INT: Bob & Steve & Scott Armstrong - Bob knows that Jim Cornette is behind his problem with the Funks. Cornette says that he is a coward hiding behind the Commissionership and why doesn’t he just resign? Every time he puts in a reinstatement for a wrestler’s license though, Jim Cornette appears with his injunctions saying “conflict of interests,” so who’s the real coward? Cornette reached down in his pockets again and hired the Funk family, but he didn’t have to pay a penny because he’s got the Armstrong family and they’re blood. The Funks may be wrestling for money, but at Summerblast the Armstrong’s are wrestling for family pride. SMW Night of Legends update - Les Thatcher profiles Ron Garvin, Mongolian Stomper and Jim White INT: Jim Cornette & Bruiser Bedlam - before Cornette says anything he wants everyone to listen to some comments from Terry Funk. Funk says that Jim Cornette has hired him and his brother to come to Tennessee and take care of a situation, and that situation is a fool running around rampant. Bob Armstrong is a total coward and they are going to show everyone that he is yellow like a banana! I’ve had a gutful of this feud and it really feels like they are just going round in circles. First Dick Murdoch was bought back, and now the Funk brothers. Not even Terry can get me interested in this feud at the moment. Back in the studio and Cornette can’t wait for this as two legitimate legends in the world of wrestling are going to take on Steve and Scott Armstrong, who are fighting their daddy’s fight again as he is such a coward. Bob is saying that he won’t drop his complaint so he can become a wrestler again, well of course he won’t because he’s crooked and everyone knows it. Bruiser Bedlam also has a match scheduled for Summerblast, a ‘Dock Fight’ (yay, another gimmick match!) against Tracey Smothers, anything goes and it’s a fight to the finish. When the Bruiser was telling him about the dock fights he used to have, he also told him about how the Union’s operate. A Union protects the people that are in it, it sees that fair play and justice prevail, even though the owners, operators and Commissioners are crooked. They have decided to form a Union of their own called FITE (Federation of International Thugs and Eliminators), Bruiser Bedlam is the senior official, he’s the boss and Killer Kyle is the enforcer. Kendo the Samurai vs Tracey Smothers - Kendo and Smothers clash heads and Kendo takes a tumble outside the ring. Another Kendo sneaks down to ringside and into the ring to take the original’s place, but Tracey immediately small packages him for the win. Bold matches are PWO recommended Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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