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Smoky Mountain Wrestling


Aired June 25, 1994

Loudon High School, Loudon, TN

  1. INT: Well Dunn - Timothy Well says that The Thrillseekers have challenged them to a ‘Penalty Box’ match, but he wants to settle things today and challenges them to an ‘Automatic DQ’ match.  He doesn’t care which one of them it is, but the first person to break the rules loses.
  2. Steve & Scott Armstrong vs James Atkins & Larry Santo
  3. INT: Steve & Scott Armstrong - Scott says that the Armstrongs have been out of the title picture for some time in the Smoky Mountain area, and while Brian Lee & Chris Candido may have the belts, they’re looking for them.  At Summerblast they have the Funk brothers and as Steve said previously, when they were young boys growing up they used to idolize them; Dory Funk Jr., the best World champion there has ever been, Terry Funk, the wildest World champion there has ever been.  That was then though, this is 1994, the year of Steve and Scott Armstrong.
  4. Tracey Smothers vs Chris Hamrick - just before the match commences Jim Cornette comes to ringside and says that he doesn’t think Chris Hamrick’s working conditions are fair or that he’s getting the proper employment benefits, he’s therefore giving him the opportunity to join his Union on the condition that he beats Smothers.  Not long into the match Bruiser Bedlam and Killer Kyle come out and both start interfering in the match, which brings out Bob, Steve and Scott Armstrong to second Tracey and be in his corner.  In the Hamrick ‘Bump of the Day’ he walks the top rope only to slip and fall to the canvas, leading to Smothers hitting the jawjacker for the win.
  5. INT: Tammy Fytch & Brian Lee & Chris Candido - Tammy has just about had it with the Rock & Roll Express.  First they came out and dumped a bucket of manure over her head, now they’ve come out and dumped an even bigger bucket of manure over her head in the name of Bambi.  She’s had it with them and isn’t going to take it anymore.  Bambi is worse than the Dirty White Girl and a bigger scuzz than she ever was.  She’s not a wrestler, doesn’t plan on wrestling, is not going to wrestle and doesn’t care what she has to do, but she’ll think of something.
  6. Recap of Tony Anthony and Jake Roberts from last week
  7. INT:  Jake Roberts - he’s got to hand it to the Dirty White Boy, what he did last week was good, but “Tony” is a child trying to play a man’s game.  If the White Boy wants to come over and take his finger he’ll take an arm, if he wants to reach in his gut and pull out the stomach he’ll pull out his heart, because when it comes down to it he’ll do absolutely anything to get what he wants.  He has his own rules, he does have morals but they’re his own, he comes up with them himself, and if needs be, changes them to get what he wants.  At Summerblast it’s a cage match and while the Dirty White Boy thinks he might be worried about that, he’s been a caged animal all his life.  When he was bought into this world he didn’t know how to steal, cheat and lie, his dear father taught him all that because that’s the way of life.  In that cage he doesn’t need the snake because he’s got the one thing that no man can deal with, the DDT.  Once he hooks that on somebody and takes them to the mat they don’t move, just ask that little scumbag the White Boy calls his ‘old lady’.  If you’re lucky “Tony” you may survive, but he doesn’t think so because no-one is lucky when they play with the snake.  Another sterling interview from Jake who is cutting the best promos of the year on a weekly basis. 
  8. Tony Anthony vs Joe Cazana - Jake Roberts jumps the Dirty White Boy from behind for the DQ.  Kendo the Samurai runs out but Jake DDT’s him as soon as he gets in the ring.  He continues to beat on the White Boy when a second Kendo the Samurai comes out, but this one saves the White Boy and attacks Jake.  The snake is a bit confused as he comes to the realization that the first Kendo came out to help him, and maybe the White Boy’s games are working after all.
  9. SMW Night of Legends update - Les Thatcher profiles Ron & Don Wright and Frank Morrell.  The section of Ron Wright is excellent with some awesome old footage from the 70s.
  10. INT:  Jim Cornette & Bruiser Bedlam & Killer Kyle - Bob Caudle questions as to whether Cornette is trying to bring down Smoky Mountain Wrestling with his Union, but he says he’s not trying to bring anything down, he’s trying to run it.  He has a thirst, a lust for power and someone who is going to help him get that power is Terry Funk and he’s got some comments about Summerblast.  Funk says that he looks at Tennessee and thinks there has to be something wonderful about it?  You look around the countryside and try to find something that is special and sweet about it, but there is really nothing.  What’s the attraction about Tennessee?  It certainly isn’t the people or the mountains.  What does Texas have over Tennessee?  It has very successful athletes coming out of the area, the best in the world.  What do you have coming out of Tennessee?  A bunch of uneducated idiots coming out of the University of Tennessee, but the worse thing they have is the reputation of their wrestling organization that is becoming viled by the Armstrong family.  Who wants to see God knows how many of them, legitimately or illegitimately, running around throughout the county?  No wonder Jim Cornette called up Dory and himself and they’re going to show everyone exactly what the Armstrong’s are.  I’ve said it previously, but it’s like I’ve heard this all before.  Back in the studio and Cornette tells the Armstrongs that they’re going to find out what it’s like to be non-Union workers in a Union area.  The Funk brothers have opened an Amarillo chapter of the Union of FITE and he’s going to be the Jimmy Hoffa of Smoky Mountain Wrestling running things around here.  The Armstrong’s are going to find out that their old man is a coward for hiding behind that excuse about not wanting to get back in the ring because he didn’t want to quit as Commissioner.  It’s too late now as even if he resigns as he’s not going to settle for that, he wants him and all the Armstrong’s out of SMW for good.  The Bruiser is going to take care of Tracey Smothers in the ‘Dock Fight’ and this Union is on a roll.
  11. Personality Profile w/ Bambi - Les opens by recapping what happened on last week’s show before Bambi starts to give a bit of background information on herself.  They are quickly joined by Tammy Fytch, Brian Lee and Chris Candido, and Tammy tells Bambi that she doesn’t know who she thinks she is, but she’s the first lady of Smoky Mountain Wrestling and has run every woman from Sherri Martel to the Dirty White Girl out of here and it won’t be a problem to get rid of her too.  Tammy calls Bambi a scuzz bucket, at which point she grabs Tammy’s arm but Primetime immediately gets hold of Bambi.  Fytch is about to slap her when the Rock & Roll Express come out for the save and make a beeline straight for Lee and Candido.  They clear the ring of them leaving Tammy all alone and Bambi motions as though she is going to get her (to much approval from the crowd).  She whips Tammy into the ropes but Lee snatches her and pulls her out of the ring to safety.  Morton says that Tammy Fytch has stuck her nose in their business too many times but it’s all coming to an end at Summerblast, she’s going to be in the ring with the three of them and Bambi is going to take care of her.
  12. Automatic DQ Challenge Match: Timothy Well (w/ Steven Dunn) vs Lance Storm (w/ Chris Jericho) - nothing match and Storm is DQ’d for decking Well after he had spat in his face

Bold matches are PWO recommended

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