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[2004-01-25-WWE-Royal Rumble] Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (Last Man Standing)

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This was incredibly mediocre. It's hard to put a finger on why it was so bad. It was a WWE formula match with a horrific amount of blood (even more than Sasaki vs. Nagata, if I'm not mistaken), and had a storyline that was "seven years in the making." Yet it fell flat. Perhaps the audience was sick of seeing his match up. They'd already seen Shawn's return at SummerSlam '02, his title victory at Elimination Chamber, and the Three Stages of Hell. There's only so much Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H you can take. And it doesn't end here either. The finish was such a bullshit copout, and Michaels getting the "moral victory" of walking out on his own two feet was even worse. Michaels' ham acting is unbelievable. There's one part where he tries to do a stagger sell after going through the Spanish announcers' table, and he oversells it completely. Who the hell oversells trying to stand up? That's impressive. And shame on you King for claiming DX was one of the best things in the history of the WWE. 

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