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[2004-01-10-MLW] Steve Corino vs Terry Funk (No Ropes Barbed Wire I Quit Match)

ohtani's jacket

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This was mostly Steve Corino wrapping Terry Funk in barbed wire and screaming at him to quit. If I were Steve Corino, I'd be stoked at getting the chance to recreate Funk vs. Lawler and Funk/Flair. Half the fun is listening to Funk's replies. Terry, God bless him, couldn't really do much at this stage, but he could still cut a promo and sell his ass off, and he does a pretty good job of coughing and spluttering while choking on barbed wire. Gary Hart shows up again and lays into Funk on the mic. He blames him for quitting against Flair and destroying J-Tex. Y'know, I kind of like that MLW is playing off past history and continuing old NWA feuds. The commentator needs to chill out a bit, though. Dude, we can clearly seeing that the barbed wire isn't slicing through anybody's flesh and that there aren't chunks of flesh hanging from anyone's back. And if you've never seen Corino act like this before, you clearly haven't been following his feud with Homicide, and God knows who else. I know commentators have a job to do, and I'm probably being overly critical, but Funk wrapping barbed wire around his neck is a big enough sell that you don't need to over hype it. 

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