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[2005-01-30-WWE-Royal Rumble] Triple H vs Randy Orton

ohtani's jacket

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This was a perfectly solid Triple H vs. Orton match. I had no complaints about the work and was happy to see a clear, definitive end to the feud. However, I will point out that it was very clear and very definitive, as Orton never had a chance to hit the RKO while Triple H finished Orton with a pedigree. Triple H evaded the RKO three times, IIRC, which is telling given Orton's gimmick is that he can hit the RKO from anywhere. It's a cool move and was given the Stone Cold Stunner treatment over the course of Orton's face run, but Triple H put that to bed. They worked a concussion angle prior to the finish. I assume it was designed to give Orton an out for the loss, but it was in poor taste given what we know about concussion injuries. Apparently, they turn Orton heel after this and have him feud with the Undertaker.  I guess that's a smart move since they need to get Orton out of the way of the Triple H vs. Batista feud, but  I've always wondered how, kayfabe-wise, wrestlers can get over a loss like this and move onto the next thing. 


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