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[2005-01-30-WWE-Royal Rumble] Edge vs Shawn Michaels

ohtani's jacket

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This had a surprisingly weak build-up for a WWE match, and features two of the biggest ham actors in the history of professional wrestling, but it's not bad considering that they weren't able to smash their way through any announcer tables and had to tell a story between the ropes. There are a few cringe moments but also some good stuff. You can occasionally see Taz and Michael Cole in the background. Cole looks bored, but Taz is focused on the match. I can only imagine the hyperbola if Cole were on commentary. The reason this match is a footnote in WWE history instead of something more fondly remembered is that Edge cheats to win and hams it up afterward. They also didn't take the feud much further than this. By the time Wrestlemania rolls around, Shawn squares off against Angle and Edge is competing in the Money in the Bank match.

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